Circulaţia tipăriturilor lui Macarie (1508-1512) în Europa
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94(4):094"1508-1512" (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
EŞANU, Andrei, EŞANU, Valentina. Circulaţia tipăriturilor lui Macarie (1508-1512) în Europa. In: Anuarul Institutului de Istorie , 2015, nr. 4, pp. 21-64. ISSN 2345-1939.
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Anuarul Institutului de Istorie
Numărul 4 / 2015 / ISSN 2345-1939

Circulaţia tipăriturilor lui Macarie (1508-1512) în Europa

Prints of Macarie (1508-1512) in the Romanian and European collections

CZU: 94(4):094"1508-1512"

Pag. 21-64

Eşanu Andrei, Eşanu Valentina
Institutul de Istorie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 23 iunie 2021


In the study Prints of Macarie (1508-1512) in the Romanian and European collections, the European historical science presents cristallyzed views regarding the first printer from Valahia (Wallachia) – Macarie who typed during 1508-1512 at Dealu monastery near Targoviste there books „Slujebnic” / „Liturghier” („Servant” / „Missal”), 1508; an „Osmoglasnic” / „Octioh”, 1510 and „Tetraevanghel” / „Evangheliar” („Four Gospels” / „Gospel”), 1512 – the first books in Slavic language and Romanian culture. Based on own investigations, and information obtained by other collections from several European counters, it is composed a repertoire of those three books kept in collections from Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro etc. In particular, the authors indentified 11 copies of „Slujebnic” („Servant”) (1508); 2 of „Osmoglasnic” (1510) and 26 of „Tetraevanghel” („Four Gospels”) (1512), demonstrating that they had a particular significance during XVI-XVIII century both into Romanian countres as well as at peoples from south of the Danube, subsequently to precipitate by collections and acquisitions in the great libraries of Europe.

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Circulaţia tipăriturilor lui Macarie (1508-1512) &icirc;n Europa</cfTitle>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>In the study Prints of Macarie (1508-1512) in the Romanian and European collections, the European historical science presents cristallyzed views regarding the first printer from Valahia (Wallachia) &ndash; Macarie who typed during 1508-1512 at Dealu monastery near Targoviste there books &bdquo;Slujebnic&rdquo; / &bdquo;Liturghier&rdquo; (&bdquo;Servant&rdquo; / &bdquo;Missal&rdquo;), 1508; an &bdquo;Osmoglasnic&rdquo; / &bdquo;Octioh&rdquo;, 1510 and &bdquo;Tetraevanghel&rdquo; / &bdquo;Evangheliar&rdquo; (&bdquo;Four Gospels&rdquo; / &bdquo;Gospel&rdquo;), 1512 &ndash; the first books in Slavic language and Romanian culture. Based on own investigations, and information obtained by other collections from several European counters, it is composed a repertoire of those three books kept in collections from Romania, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro etc. In particular, the authors indentified 11 copies of &bdquo;Slujebnic&rdquo; (&bdquo;Servant&rdquo;) (1508); 2 of &bdquo;Osmoglasnic&rdquo; (1510) and 26 of &bdquo;Tetraevanghel&rdquo; (&bdquo;Four Gospels&rdquo;) (1512), demonstrating that they had a particular significance during XVI-XVIII century both into Romanian countres as well as at peoples from south of the Danube, subsequently to precipitate by collections and acquisitions in the great libraries of Europe.</p></cfAbstr>