Întreruperea repausului vegetativ al tuberculilor proaspăt recoltaţi prin intermediul regulatorilor de creștere
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2024-06-11 22:11
SM ISO690:2012
ILIEVA, Irina, ILIEV, Petru, MATRAGUN, Pavel, MEŞINA, Sergiu. Întreruperea repausului vegetativ al tuberculilor proaspăt recoltaţi prin intermediul regulatorilor de creștere. In: Pomicultura, Viticultura şi Vinificaţia, 2019, nr. 5-6(83-84), pp. 39-44. ISSN 1857-3142.
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Pomicultura, Viticultura şi Vinificaţia
Numărul 5-6(83-84) / 2019 / ISSN 1857-3142

Întreruperea repausului vegetativ al tuberculilor proaspăt recoltaţi prin intermediul regulatorilor de creștere

Using of growth regulators for potato harvested tubers breaking dormant program

Pag. 39-44

Ilieva Irina, Iliev Petru, Matragun Pavel, Meşina Sergiu
Institutul Ştiinţifico-Practic de Horticultură şi Tehnologii Alimentare
Disponibil în IBN: 28 mai 2021


Seed potato production in a second crop is one of the method to reduce the pressure of viruses and ecological degeneration, and keep longer the seed in good physiological condition and free of virus diseases. Dormancy period of the new harvest tubers is one of major impediment. Not all the variety are good for second crop. Experiment was done with 3 varieties: Minerva, Riviera- extra early and Agata – from early group of maturity and 4 large known chemicals. For rapid and qualitative dormancy breaking the best solution is to use the combination of gibberellic acid, thiourea, succinic acid, potassium thiocyanate. Effi ciency of dormancy broken depends of biological particularities of variety and concentration of chemicals in solution. For reduce the number of routed tubers aſt er the cutting, and the attack of the pest in the soil and aſt er emergence of the plants in solution was introduced 4 kg of TMTD fungicide and 11l of Prestige 290 FS.

second crop, Variety, chemicals, seed cutting, solution, dormancy breaking, pests