Colindatul în ceată bărbătească. Particularităţi muzicale
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2022-05-17 17:34
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398.332.4:78.067.26(478) (1)
Фольклор в узком смысле (752)
Музыка (1836)
SM ISO690:2012
Colindatul în ceată bărbătească. Particularităţi muzicale. In: Colindatul de ceată bărbătească, 1 ianuarie 2011, Chişinău. Chişinău: Tipogr. Reclama, 2011, pp. 51-60. ISBN 978-9975-105-49-1.
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Dublin Core
Colindatul de ceată bărbătească 2011
Conferința "Colindatul de ceată bărbătească"
Chişinău, Moldova, 1 ianuarie 2011

Colindatul în ceată bărbătească. Particularităţi muzicale

Carolling within Male Band, musical peculiarities

CZU: 398.332.4:78.067.26(478)

Pag. 51-60

Disponibil în IBN: 9 aprilie 2021


This study aims to highlight some musical peculiarities of Colinda în ceată bărbătească (Colinda in male groups) – which represents the ancestral form of collective artistic creativity that is practiced during the winter holidays. As a mode of affirmation of the originality of spiritual life of our people, carols suffered over time different changes, continuously enriching the semantic level, style, composition. The important role that it had and still has to carol in a men’s band (a colinda în ceată bărbătească) in people’s life has determined its viability and kept it active in the repertoire of our communities. Highlighting the concept of this ancient ritual as a syncretic whole, the author brings to attention and analyzes the diversity and ingenuity of the rhythmic-melodic structures of the carols in male repertoire, of the formulas and sound construction (less studied in profile literature) in some procedures of the creation of the musical message. The author underlines the fact that although colinda is short and has limited means of expression, it reveals the artistic refinement and reveals melodic specificity of these ceremonial practices expressed through music and text. The variety of songs that make up the repertoire of Colinda în ceată bărbătească (Colinda in male bands) highlights the integrity of the one of the oldest autochthon musical background, on the one hand, and it individualizes our artistic ancient heritage as a system of artistic oral communication, on the other hand, also it makes us closer to artistic intangible heritage of other peoples by the way of interpretation and environment, through the use of metric patterns, of expressive elements, sonorous systems, rhythmic organization etc.