Социальные трансформации и интеграционные процессы в Республике Молдова: граждановедческое измерение
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[316.422+061.2:32](478) (1)
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Негосударственные организации и объединения. Частные организации, общества, ассоциации, движения и др. (109)
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SM ISO690:2012
ЦВЯТКОВ, Николай. Социальные трансформации и интеграционные процессы в Республике Молдова: граждановедческое измерение. In: Modernizarea social-politică a Republicii Moldova în contextul extinderii procesului integraţionist European, 21 noiembrie 2018, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Cercetări Juridice, Politice și Sociologice, 2018, pp. 308-328. ISBN 978-9975-3043-8-2.
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Dublin Core
Modernizarea social-politică a Republicii Moldova în contextul extinderii procesului integraţionist European 2018
Sesiunea "Modernizarea social-politică a Republicii Moldova în contextul extinderii procesului integraţionist European"
Chişinău, Moldova, 21 noiembrie 2018

Социальные трансформации и интеграционные процессы в Республике Молдова: граждановедческое измерение

Social transformation and integration processes in the Republic of Moldova: civic dimension

CZU: [316.422+061.2:32](478)

Pag. 308-328

Цвятков Николай
Институт Юридических, Политических и Социологических Исследований
Disponibil în IBN: 20 februarie 2021


The observed demographic transition, political instability, the economic crisis, high level of corruption in their complexity demonstrate that the extension of the European integration process does not automatically solve existing problems. The liberalization of the economy has largely contributed to the emergence of a new type of economic behavior, the features of which are competition, rationalism, pragmatism, initiative, enterprise. The necessity for detailed study, analysis and forecasting of ongoing processes places new challenges for public authorities and civil society institutions, including the academic community. In order to effectively solve the social and economic problems facing the country and society and contribute to the modernization of the Republic of Moldova, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of state and civil institutions in developing a new country Development Program for the short, medium and long term. One of the directions of such cooperation may be the joint development of the document “The Concept of Social and Political Modernization of the Republic of Moldova - 2040”.