Principles of functioning of the center of uterine cultures of insects at the ETI "Biotechnika" of the NAAS of Ukraine
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579.6+595.7+632.9 (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
KRUTEAKOVA, V., SHEIKIN, B., TRIBUNTSOVA, E.. Principles of functioning of the center of uterine cultures of insects at the ETI "Biotechnika" of the NAAS of Ukraine. In: Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective, Ed. 57, 27-28 octombrie 2020, Кишинев. Кишинев: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2020, nr.57, pp. 367-369. ISBN 978-9975-3472-0-4. DOI:
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Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective
nr.57, 2020
Simpozionul "Protecţia plantelor - realizări şi perspective"
57, Кишинев, Moldova, 27-28 octombrie 2020

Principles of functioning of the center of uterine cultures of insects at the ETI "Biotechnika" of the NAAS of Ukraine

CZU: 579.6+595.7+632.9

Pag. 367-369

Kruteakova V., Sheikin B., Tribuntsova E.
Engineering and Technological Institute "Biotechnica" NAASU, Ukraine
Disponibil în IBN: 28 octombrie 2020


The principles of functioning of insect uterin cultures, their interaction with scientific and regulatory organizations of Ukraine, ensuring a stable supply of high-quality entomocultures for biological production and their constant control, are analyzed.

Center for insect uterine cultures, scientific, regulatory organizations, bio-production