Проблемы формирования эффективной системы мотивации и стимулирования персонала организации
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2021-12-14 19:53
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331 (1325)
Труд. Работодатели. Трудящиеся. Наука о труде. Экономика труда. Организация труда (1098)
SM ISO690:2012
ПОПОВА, Екатерина, ФАЙЗУЛЛИН, Эдуард. Проблемы формирования эффективной системы мотивации и стимулирования персонала организации. In: Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură , 15 februarie 2020, Comrat. Comrat, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2020, Vol.1, pp. 240-242. ISBN 978-9975-83-091-1.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură
Vol.1, 2020
Conferința "Ştiinţă, educaţie, cultură"
Comrat, Moldova, 15 februarie 2020

Проблемы формирования эффективной системы мотивации и стимулирования персонала организации

CZU: 331

Pag. 240-242

Попова Екатерина, Файзуллин Эдуард
Институт экономики, финансов и бизнеса БашГУ
Disponibil în IBN: 4 august 2020


Articles of the current issue management of employee behavior through the formation of effective system of motivation and stimulation of employees of the organization. This study shows how to build these systems, and the components are determined. The main concern is that the goals and the decomposition of stubborn in will be paid; goals; these systems of construction of principle to consider; the recommendations made in the selection of elements of the motivation system and incentives, including material and non-monetary incentives as well as intangible incentives. This article also talks about the need for structure in making society responsible for the formation of the system of motivation and stimulation of employees, due to formation of a working group on the management structure of the organization and its state. This article also highlights three main points for creating this organization structure is adopted, proof of experience and competitive advantages, organization management and business processes contribute to the successful implementation of the system in the future. This goal is full can be achieved showed that, motivation and stimulation of formed system to solve problems that employees of the organization.

motivational, personal, stimulating, non-material stimulating materials, motivating and stimulating systems, personnel management of employees, complex approach

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<cfTitle cfLangCode='RU' cfTrans='o'>Проблемы формирования эффективной системы мотивации и стимулирования персонала организации</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RU' cfTrans='o'>motivational; personal; stimulating; non-material stimulating materials; motivating and stimulating systems; personnel management of employees; complex approach</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>Articles of the current issue management of employee behavior through the formation of effective system of motivation and stimulation of employees of the organization. This study shows how to build these systems, and the components are determined. The main concern is that the goals and the decomposition of stubborn in will be paid; goals; these systems of construction of principle to consider; the recommendations made in the selection of elements of the motivation system and incentives, including material and non-monetary incentives as well as intangible incentives. This article also talks about the need for structure in making society responsible for the formation of the system of motivation and stimulation of employees, due to formation of a working group on the management structure of the organization and its state. This article also highlights three main points for creating this organization structure is adopted, proof of experience and competitive advantages, organization management and business processes contribute to the successful implementation of the system in the future. This goal is full can be achieved showed that, motivation and stimulation of formed system to solve problems that employees of the organization.</p></cfAbstr>