
Afiliat la Institutul de Zoologie

2022 - 1

Clonal gametogenesis is triggered by intrinsic stimuli in the hybrid's germ cells but is dependent on sex differentiation
Tichopad Tomas , Franek Roman , Dolezalkova Marie , Dedukh Dmitry , Marta Anatolie , Halacka Karel , Steinbach Christoph , Janko Karel , Psenicka Martin
Biology of reproduction
Nr. 2(107) / 2022 / ISSN 0006-3363 / ISSNe 1529-7268
Disponibil online 9 September, 2022

2021 - 2

Morphohistological studies of the gonads of hybrid polyploid loach cobitis from the Lower Dniester
Fulga Nina , Ungureanu Laurenţia , Bulat Dumitru , Bulat Denis , Toderaş Ion , Marta Anatolie
Sustainable use and protection of animal world in the context of climate changededicated to the 75th anniversary from the creation of the first research subdivisions and 60th from the foundation of the Institute of Zoology
Ediția 10. 2021. Chișinău. Institutul de Zoologie. 103-108.
Disponibil online 17 September, 2021
Challenges and costs of asexuality: Variation in premeiotic genome duplication in gynogenetic hybrids from cobitis taenia complex
Dedukh Dmitry , Marta Anatolie , Janko Karel
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Nr. 22(22) / 2021 / ISSN 1661-6596 / ISSNe 1422-0067
Disponibil online 14 November, 2021

2020 - 2

Parthenogenesis as a solution to hybrid sterility: The mechanistic basis of meiotic distortions in clonal and sterile hybrids
Dedukh Dmitry , Majtanova Zuzana , Marta Anatolie , Psenicka Martin , Kotusz Jan , Klima Jiri , Juchno Dorota , Boron A. , Janko Karel
Nr. 4(215) / 2020 / ISSN 0016-6731 / ISSNe 1943-2631
Disponibil online 17 October, 2020
Cytogenetic characterization of seven novel satDNA markers in two species of spined loaches (Cobitis) and their clonal hybrids
Marta Anatolie , Dedukh Dmitry , Bartos Oldrich , Majtanova Zuzana , Janko Karel
Nr. 6(11) / 2020 / ISSN 2073-4425
Disponibil online 24 June, 2020

2018 - 1

Change of strategy or always overlooked? Third recent record of the beardless tadpole goby Benthophiloides brauneri from an inland location far from the coast
Marta Anatolie , Camenşcic Natalia , Toderaş Ion
Journal of Fish Biology
Nr. 1(93) / 2018 / ISSN 0022-1112
Disponibil online 8 December, 2018

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