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Afisarea articolelor: 21-40(72)

Mișcarea activă controlată imediată – tehnică și prezentare de caz

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2023, nr. 5(R), 34-33. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Maladia Kienbock: simptomatologie, diagnostic şi tratament

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2023, nr. 5(R), 37-35. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

„Creşterea notorietăţii Kinetoterapiei în sarcină ar pute a ajuta aderenţa la naşterea naturală, prevenţia obezităţii gestaţionale şi depresiei postnatale”

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2023, nr. 5(R), 39-38. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Programul Congresului Internațional

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 11-7. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. LISNIC VITALIE

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 12-12. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. GAVRILIUC MIHAIL

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 13-13. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. PULBERE OLEG

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 14-14. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. MELENTIEV IURIE

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 15-15. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Ph.T., M.T DANIEL GHEORGHITA

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 16-16. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting letter from the Editor–in–Chief–Drd., Ph.T., M.T., POTAPENCO ROMAN

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 17-17. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Analiza manifestărilor IRM in patologia lombosacrala la pacienții tineri

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 37-27. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Kinetoterapia aplicată in recuperarea postoperatorie a pacientului cu parapareză spastică. Prezentare de caz

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 45-38. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Kinetoterapia in restricțiile de mișcare a articulației temporo-mandibulare

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 52-46. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Recuperarea fizioterapeutică in ruptura de menisc

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 109-104. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

CORE – factori inhibitori care faciliteaza disfunctia din perspectiva modelului neurocentric

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 114-110. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Efectele tratamentului ce combină DRY needling și terapia cu lumină (medolight) in gestionarea sindromului dureros miofascial din partea superioară a spatelui la jucătorii de fotbal

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2022, nr. 4(S), 129-115. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. LISNIC VITALIE – Habilitat Doctor of Medical Sciences, University Professor of Neurology, President of Moldavian Society of Neurology, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery „D. Gherman”, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2021, nr. 3, 14-14. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. GAVRILIUC MIHAIL – Ph.D, Doctor Habilitat Științe Medicale, University Professor, Chief of Neurology Department, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery „D. Gherman”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2021, nr. 3, 15-15. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. PULBERE OLEG – Ph.D., Doctor Științe Medicale, University Associated Professor Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Clinical Hospital of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Chisinau, Republica Moldova

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2021, nr. 3, 16-16. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

Greeting Letter from Professor Dr. MELENTIEV IURIE – Ph.D., Chief of Spinal Surgery Department, Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery „D. Gherman”, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

. Journal of Physical Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine. 2021, nr. 3, 17-17. ISSN 2587-3709. (Cat. )

21-40 of 72