Decorative wooden texture copper plating
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SM ISO690:2012
IVSHIN , Ya.. Decorative wooden texture copper plating. In: Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Ed. 6, 11-14 septembrie 2012, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Fizică Aplicată, 2012, Editia 6, p. 264. ISBN 978-9975-66-290-1.
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Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Editia 6, 2012
Conferința "Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics"
6, Chișinău, Moldova, 11-14 septembrie 2012

Decorative wooden texture copper plating

Pag. 264-264

Ivshin Ya.
Kazan National Research Technological University
Disponibil în IBN: 25 martie 2020


We produced new decorative copper plating. On its surface system of alternate pink and brown color strips could be found. This picture can be similar to the system of concentric rings or similar to the wooden texture in diametrical and slanting section (fig.). The coatings may be toned to various colors (violet, green, blue) and in this case the picture is clearer. These coatings may be apply as independent decorative plating or jointly with transparent lacquer coatings. The picture may be controlled by changing current distribution on the cathode surface, for instance by using no conducting holed screens.imageIn order to study the nature of this phenomenon and also to determine the parameters of picture formation control the polarization, microprofilometric, analytic, metallographic measurements were done. Metallographic data show that the deposit has layer structure and it was indicated that oxygen concentration on dark layers is ten times as much that on light layers. Current and metal distributions on electrode surface were studied in Hull cell. The analysis of obtained results show that the strips follow across equal interval of current density values and place disposition of each strip corresponds to equipotetial line. Since current density at various sections of the cathode may be distinguished and the layers have practically the same thickness the completion of layer formation on the various sections of the cathode happens at different time. Several unfinished layers simultaneously are formed on the cathode surface, and these layers are optically perceived as the system of alternating strips in which more dark and narrow strips correspond the limits between the layers with higher maintenance of deposit oxygen. Formation of the layer deposit, according to the theory of electro crystallization, takes place because of crystals forming according to the mechanism of the stratified growth. In the majority of cases crystals grow by the appropriate moving on the surface of verge of polyatomic layers of growth. Reason of polyatomic layers formation is passivation of cathode as a result of adsorption on the verges of growing crystal of different substances. During formation of two-dimensional nucleating center its surface for some period will be free from the adsorbed allogenic particles and on this surface with the smallest power expenses new nucleating center can arise. Such phenomenon forms the layer of growth. Our research has shown that the necessary condition of the copper striped plating forming is presence of copper (I) ions. Form our point of view, formation of layered deposit is the result of two competing reactions of copper complex (I), (II) reduction. During the new layer formation electro crystallization of copper starts from the ions of copper (I), as stationary potential and the current of exchange of this reaction is higher.

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