Features of resource-saving technologies for erosion control
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SM ISO690:2012
KUHARUK, Ecaterina, COJOCARU, Olesea, MELINOV, S., SINEVICI, Elena. Features of resource-saving technologies for erosion control. In: Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective: Simpozionul ştiinţific naţional cu participare internaţională, 24-25 octombrie 2013, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Tipografia Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, 2013, Ediția III-a, p. 96.
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Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective
Ediția III-a, 2013
Simpozionul "Biotehnologii avansate – realizări şi perspective"
Chişinău, Moldova, 24-25 octombrie 2013

Features of resource-saving technologies for erosion control

Pag. 96-96

Kuharuk Ecaterina1, Cojocaru Olesea1, Melinov S.2, Sinevici Elena2
1 Institute of Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection” Nicolae Dimo”,
2 International Sakharov Environmental University
Disponibil în IBN: 21 martie 2020


Soil resources and fertility are of great ecological importance, as in human life and the whole environment. The value of soil as a natural resource is usually judged on their ability to harvest crops, etc. food well-being depends on the conservation and use of soil productivity in agriculture. The quality of soil resources for crop production is estimated yield and the quality of the soil, respectively, must be characterized by a value which determines the yield. Yield depends not only on the soil and its degree of erosion, but also on several other factors: climate, cultivation of a crop in soil nutrients needed, etc. Resource soil in a productive point on the slope is expressed humus layer and the stock of humus, per unit area. Such an estimate is very approximate, but it allows quantifying the soil resources with additional analysis of physical-chemical and elemental composition. The humus content in the upper horizon of the ordinary chernozem powerful not to flush heavy loamy is 3,18%, in the medium to wash off – 2,62% in the heavily wash off – 2,02%, inwashed– 2,48% at a depth of 90 - 110 cm, humus content is increased to 3,23% in the reclaimed soil is the main advantage of reclaimed soil reclamation, which is their humus content, the presence in their profiles back humus layer, which can be removed without significant impairment of their own fertility. Inwashed soil as ameliorant contain besides humus and other valuable components. Many specific elements such as Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Ga, Se, Rb, Y, Zr, Mo contained in the same concentrations as full-profile and in reclaimed soils permissible concentration limit not exceeding normal levels. However, there is a group of heavy metals, which are of particular danger to the environment. These include: Cd, Pb, Sr, some other metals that are found in the soil in low concentrations, have a depressing effect on the plants to accumulate in plantgrowing products, and through them - in the human body. Determining balance soil fertility allows you to control the use of arable land, environmental consequences of economic activity and give an objective evaluation of each field and the economy as a whole. This will significantly increase the responsibility for the safety and compliance of soil fertility research-based farming systems. For stabilization of eroded soil humus status to the slopes to 3° to use an average of a year to 10 t/ha of manure or other organic fertilizers, and the proportion of cultivated crops should not exceed 40%. On slopes steeper than 5° row crops should not be placed, and perennials should occupy at least 20% of the area with an average annual use of manure by 12 - 13 t/ha of straw ha and 3 kg/ha. Scientific research should not be limited to one stationary experience; best practices should be implemented in all the areas of the country. Erosion control measures should be fully funded by the state budget regardless of the emerging problems with the budget. Otherwise, even the best solutions and planning will remain only on paper. Prospects for the development of research on soil protection from erosion to a large extent related to the possibility of obtaining reliable experimental data on the distribution and intensity of soil erosion in different areas, environmental and economic performance of individual anti-erosion techniques and technologies, their complexes and soil conservation farming systems as a whole to preserve the fertility of eroded soils. There is a need to develop a program of soil erosion monitoring as part of the state program of monitoring of land in Moldova.