Яичная продуктивность перепелов при использовании сухой пивной дробины
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2022-05-13 18:12
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
636.597:084.052 (2)
Домашняя птица (184)
Издания смешанного содержания. Сборники (19)
SM ISO690:2012
ГОЛУБЕВА, Татьяна. Яичная продуктивность перепелов при использовании сухой пивной дробины. In: Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii agricole : materialele Simpozionului Ştiinţific Internaţional „85 ani ai Facultăţii de Agronomie – realizări şi perspective”, dedicat aniversării a 85 de ani de la fondarea Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova , 25 septembrie 2018, Chișinău. Chişinău, Republica Moldova: Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, 2018, Vol. 52(2), pp. 153-156. ISBN 978-9975-64-302-3.
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Dublin Core
Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii agricole
Vol. 52(2), 2018
Simpozionul "Zootehnie şi Biotehnologii agricole "
Chișinău, Moldova, 25 septembrie 2018

Яичная продуктивность перепелов при использовании сухой пивной дробины

CZU: 636.597:084.052

Pag. 153-156

Голубева Татьяна
Национальный университет биоресурсов и природопользования Украины
Disponibil în IBN: 22 februarie 2020


The article justifies applicability of dried brewer’s grain in feeding quail, whose influence is poorly understood in their productive, morphological-functional and physiologicalbiochemical parameters. The dynamics of egg production of quail-layers during 6 months of production period using the containing different levels of brewer’s dried grain. It was found that the use of brewer’s dried grain with connect of 5 % gives the best results, increasing egg production in the initial hen on 2.0 pieces. eggs, egg production by the average hen - to 1.6 pieces. eggs, egg mass total – on 66.24 kg.

brewer’s dried grain, egg production, feed, quail

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Национальный университет биоресурсов и природопользования Украины, Ucraina</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ru'>Яичная продуктивность перепелов при использовании сухой пивной дробины</title>
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<subject>brewer’s dried grain</subject>
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<date dateType='Issued'>2018</date>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The article justifies applicability of dried brewer&rsquo;s grain in feeding quail, whose influence is poorly understood in their productive, morphological-functional and physiologicalbiochemical parameters. The dynamics of egg production of quail-layers during 6 months of production period using the containing different levels of brewer&rsquo;s dried grain. It was found that the use of brewer&rsquo;s dried grain with connect of 5 % gives the best results, increasing egg production in the initial hen on 2.0 pieces. eggs, egg production by the average hen - to 1.6 pieces. eggs, egg mass total &ndash; on 66.24 kg.</p></description>