Identificarea condiţiilor de sol şi a tipurilor de staţiuni şi păduri din ocolul silvic Lighed - Lunca Timişului
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603 11
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-02-11 19:25
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
630*114(498) (2)
Лесное хозяйство. Лесоводство (336)
SM ISO690:2012
MIHUŢ, Casiana Doina, DUMA COPCEA, Anişoara Claudia, MAZĂRE, Veaceslav. Identificarea condiţiilor de sol şi a tipurilor de staţiuni şi păduri din ocolul silvic Lighed - Lunca Timişului. In: Agronomie şi agroecologie, 1 ianuarie 2018, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul editorial UASM, 2018, Vol.52(1), pp. 539-543. ISBN 978-.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Agronomie şi agroecologie
Vol.52(1), 2018
Simpozionul "„85 ani ai Facultăţii de Agronomie – realizări şi perspective”, dedicat aniversării a 85 de ani de la fondarea Universităţii Agrare de Stat din Moldova"
Chişinău, Moldova, 1 ianuarie 2018

Identificarea condiţiilor de sol şi a tipurilor de staţiuni şi păduri din ocolul silvic Lighed - Lunca Timişului

CZU: 630*114(498)

Pag. 539-543

Mihuţ Casiana Doina, Duma Copcea Anişoara Claudia, Mazăre Veaceslav
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară a Banatului "Regele Mihai I al României"
Disponibil în IBN: 10 decembrie 2019


The present paper aims to study the soil conditions and the main types of forests and forests within the Lighed-Lunca Mureş Forestry Field, namely: contributions to knowledge of the physical and phytogeographical framework of the studied territory and observations regarding the existence of topoclimates responsible for the level of creditworthiness of forest resorts; determining ecological climatic indicators, based on data from local meteorological stations and calculation of thermal and pluviometric gradients; the identification of natural, undegraded natural stands of superior, medium and inferior productivity, in order to determine the production class of the stands; quantitative determination of ecological indicators of edaphic nature, based on analyzes of soil samples collected from the profiles located in the field; description of the types and subtypes of soils and of the types of resorts and the drawing up of the list of representative high, middle and lower quality forest resorts within the studied territory, according to their requirements for each soil; to determine the properties of soil types and subtypes and to interpret them and, finally, to make recommendations as a result of establishing bonuses for each forestry resort. It has been appreciated that these researches are topical, represent a scientific interest and meet objectives of major interest for forestry, with particular reference to establishing the reliability of forest resorts.

soil, resorts, forests, biocenosis