Self-Heating Characterization and Thermal Resistance Modeling in Multitube CNTFETs
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PACHECO-SANCHEZ , Anibal, BEJENARI, Igor, SCHROTER, Michael. Self-Heating Characterization and Thermal Resistance Modeling in Multitube CNTFETs. In: IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2019, nr. 11(66), pp. 4566-4571. ISSN -. DOI:
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IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
Numărul 11(66) / 2019 / ISSN - /ISSNe 0018-9383

Self-Heating Characterization and Thermal Resistance Modeling in Multitube CNTFETs


Pag. 4566-4571

Pacheco-Sanchez Anibal1, Bejenari Igor2, Schroter Michael3
1 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,
2 Institute of the Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies "D. Ghitu",
3 Technische Universitat Dresden, Dresden
Disponibil în IBN: 18 noiembrie 2019


The thermal resistance, thermal capacitance, and thermal time constant have been experimentally extracted for the first time for a multi-tube multi-finger carbon nanotube FET (CNTFET) from trap-free high-frequency characteristics by following a methodology based on temperature-dependent two-port network analysis. The extracted short thermal time constant confirms the thermal stability for this emerging technology. A lumped-element electro-thermal model for multi-tube CNTFETs has been developed and proven with experimental data. 

carbon nanotube FET (CNTFET), self-heating(SH), thermal capacitance, thermal resistance

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<creatorName>Pacheco-Sanchez , A.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea Autonomă din Barcelona, Spania</affiliation>
<creatorName>Bejenari, I.M.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii "D. Ghiţu", Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<creatorName>Schroter, M.</creatorName>
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<date dateType='Issued'>2019-11-11</date>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The thermal resistance, thermal capacitance, and thermal time constant have been experimentally extracted for the first time for a multi-tube multi-finger carbon nanotube FET (CNTFET) from trap-free high-frequency characteristics by following a methodology based on temperature-dependent two-port network analysis. The extracted short thermal time constant confirms the thermal stability for this emerging technology. A lumped-element electro-thermal model for multi-tube CNTFETs has been developed and proven with experimental data.&nbsp;</p></description>