Apreciere ecologică a conţinutului aminoacidic din cernoziomul tipic al Moldovei
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631.417 (9)
Почвоведение. Почвенные исследования (732)
SM ISO690:2012
FRUNZE, Nina. Apreciere ecologică a conţinutului aminoacidic din cernoziomul tipic al Moldovei. In: Agronomie şi ecologie, 9-11 octombrie 2013, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul editorial UASM, 2013, Vol.39, pp. 180-184. ISBN 978-9975-64-250-7.
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Agronomie şi ecologie
Vol.39, 2013
Simpozionul "Agricultura Modernă – Realizări şi Perspective"
Chişinău, Moldova, 9-11 octombrie 2013

Apreciere ecologică a conţinutului aminoacidic din cernoziomul tipic al Moldovei

CZU: 631.417

Pag. 180-184

Frunze Nina
Institutul de Microbiologie şi Biotehnologie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 30 mai 2019


New data on the spectrum of amino acids (AA) in the soil were obtained. It have been demonstrated that it consists of 18 amino acids (AA) and varies from 0.1813 to 0.6687 mg/100 mg soil with the highest values in the soil of the natural biocenosis. Analyzing of equity contribution of biomolecules in a general range of AA found that quantitative leadership in formation of individual biomolecules is not characteristic only for the natural soil. Study of the branch structure of the AA has revealed heterogeneity of soils with different anthropogenic impact. The largest concentration of domination was registered in the no fertilized soil. On the mineral background the indices was lower at 52%, and in the organic and natural ─ at 50%. The indices d1 and d2 in the control consist also of the highest manifestation. The values of the d1 index of diversity in mineral, organic and natural background was lower at 2,8 and 18% in non fertilized soil and on 7,29 and 48% ─ for d2 index. However, the highest values of diversity index as well as the species equilibrium have been recorded in a natural soil. At the same time in arable soils the Shannon and the Pielou indices were lower on average by 33%, resulting, therefore, reducing the stability of local ecosystems. This suggests that the spectrum of AA in natural soil, which is controlled by biological factors in comparison with the spectrum conditions for the formation of which rely heavily on controlled physicochemical and anthropogenic factors that are created in the arable soil are much more stable.

amino acid spectrum, dominant species, ecosystem sustainability, typical cernoziom, rate equalization, species diversity.