Structuri centrale de stat și ecleziastice  ale Țării Moldovei în aria de interese  imperiale ruse (sec. XVIII – mijl. sec. XIX)
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94(478)"XVII-XVIII" (6)
История Молдавии. Республика Молдова (69)
SM ISO690:2012
EŞANU, Andrei. Structuri centrale de stat și ecleziastice  ale Țării Moldovei în aria de interese  imperiale ruse (sec. XVIII – mijl. sec. XIX). In: Revista de Istorie a Moldovei, 2018, nr. 1(113), pp. 26-34. ISSN 1857-2022.
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Revista de Istorie a Moldovei
Numărul 1(113) / 2018 / ISSN 1857-2022

Structuri centrale de stat și ecleziastice  ale Țării Moldovei în aria de interese  imperiale ruse (sec. XVIII – mijl. sec. XIX)

Central state and church structures of Moldavia in the area of Russian imperial interests (18th - 19th centuries)

CZU: 94(478)"XVII-XVIII"

Pag. 26-34

Eşanu Andrei
Institutul de Istorie
Disponibil în IBN: 20 februarie 2019


In the study Central State and Church Structures of the Principality of Moldavia in the area of Russian imperial interests (18th - 19th centuries) it is shown that Russia after the Prut campaign of Peter I (1711) always tended to neglect and eventually decapitate the Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia of its principals and local hierarchs, appointing instead generals of the Russian Army and, respectively, bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. The above-mentioned actions were aimed at transforming the two Romanian Principalities into territories with an Orthodox population, who had to be „liberated” from the Turkish rule and annexed to the Russian Empire. The Moldovan lands between the Prut and Dniester rivers were brought to this situation after the Russian annexation of 1812. Therefore, when after over a century long Russian domination, in January 1918, the Romanian army entered Bessarabia to support the Romanian majority population in restoring order, the new Petrograd and Kiev authorities were urging Romania to withdraw its troops ‚from our territory’. This latter finding led the author to conclude that the new Russian Bolshevik authorities and the Ukrainian national authorities have become direct followers of the policy of conquering foreign territories, among them the Romanian ones.

Romanian Principalities, Bessarabia, Russian Empire, imperial policy, Romanians, Russian wars, territorial expansion.