Principii de structurare a forțelor armate ale unui stat în conflictele asimetrice
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MEREUŢĂ, Gheorghe. Principii de structurare a forțelor armate ale unui stat în conflictele asimetrice. In: Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare, 2018, nr. 1(19), pp. 90-100. ISSN 1857-405X.
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Revista Militară. Studii de securitate şi apărare
Numărul 1(19) / 2018 / ISSN 1857-405X

Principii de structurare a forțelor armate ale unui stat în conflictele asimetrice

Structuring principles of the armed forces of a country in asymmetric conflicts

CZU: 355.3/.4

Pag. 90-100

Mereuţă Gheorghe
Academia Militară a Forţelor Armate “Alexandru cel Bun”
Disponibil în IBN: 8 februarie 2019


The process of the military structures adapting to the imperative of participating in asymmetric conflicts implies, at least, the fulfillment of the following principles:  - Creation of the combat executive structures, capable to perform a broad range of missions;  - Conceptual and pragmatic realization of operational headquarters, in line with the current CJTF concept, capable to conduct the actions including under the multinational framework, during participation in asymmetric confrontations;  - the establishment of an appropriate legislative framework to enable the armed forces participation in such confrontations.  The operational requirements with regard to the structure of an army, circumscribed to the following areas, would be:  1. organizational flexibility;  2. structural modularity;  3. specialized structures for specific counteractions;  4. core structures capable to generate, if necessary, the support to the efforts in specific counteractions;  5. advanced technologies;  6. CJTF type management structures;  7. creating the necessary legislative framework.  Organizational flexibility is the ability of military structures to be shaped and resized, timely and effectively, in line with the requirements of national and military security strategies, and, respectively, to address the risks, threats and aggressions in the security environment in which they must act. At the same time, this implies the ability to fulfill a diverse range of missions, with adequate endowment and training, adaptable to the realities of the modern battlefield. Beyond this general definition, the concrete solutions are to be identified and applied to ensure the flexibility of the structures created in the peacetime, in the crisis and war situations, taking into account the asymmetric character of the military confrontations of the future.  The modularity principle of organizational structures in the military field proceeds from the requirement of organizational flexibility and was imposed by the need for ad hoc creation of the structures, required due to the multiplication of missions and the imperative of operative crisis or war situatuions resolving.  Asymmetry is an expression of the real relationships existing in nature, in society, in human relations. The modern science studies the asymmetric relationships by means of analysis, offering the models and paradigms more and more close to the reality. Asymmetry finds its place for existence and manifestation everywhere and everyday. Asymmetric conflicts are no more than a real manifestation of an asymmetry in the act of confrontation. All conflicts are, in fact, asymmetric..  

Armies structuring in modern military actions, operational principles and requirements related to the structure of an army, structural flexibility and modularity, specialized and core structures, advanced techologies, modification of legislative framework