Funcţia euristică a metaforei terminologice
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2022-05-30 09:01
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similare conform CZU
81'373.612.2'374 (1)
Языкознание и языки. Лингвистика (5177)
SM ISO690:2012
BUTIURCA, Doina. Funcţia euristică a metaforei terminologice. In: Filologia modernă: Realizări şi perspective în context European, 16-17 octombrie 2014, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Filologie, 2015, Ediția 8, pp. 26-30.
EXPORT metadate:
Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Filologia modernă: Realizări şi perspective în context European
Ediția 8, 2015
Colocviul "Filologia modernă: Realizări şi perspective în context European"
Chișinău, Moldova, 16-17 octombrie 2014

Funcţia euristică a metaforei terminologice

CZU: 81'373.612.2'374

Pag. 26-30

Butiurca Doina
Universitatea Sapientia, Cluj-Napoca
Disponibil în IBN: 11 septembrie 2018


Our research starts from the assertion that not all functions of the language described by R. Jakobson are operational in terminology, and cannot be considered sufficient in the domain of science, in general. The referential/denotative function, representing the purely cognitive, intellectual meaning of a term, the communicative function, the metalinguistic function are aspects classified by the terminological studies. The heuristic function of the terminological metaphor the study of which we entail in our research is approached from two perspectives: the creation of several coherent denominative systems and the explanation of the phenomena of contemporary science, in the specialized discourse. The descriptive linguistic and cognitive methods will allow the approach of the “cognitive” characteristic of the metaphor, the interaction of the factors in the creation of the heuristic function in terminology, etc. The conclusion of our research is that the terminological invention, the heuristic function is defined by rules and laws, is interdisciplinary through the occurrence of interdisciplinary factors – cognitive, cultural, linguistic, philological, etc.

the terminological invention, the heuristic function, the descriptive linguistic, the interaction