Didactique du néologisme: Quels néologismes faut-il enseigner aux lycées et aux facultés où le français est la première langue étrangère (FLÉ)
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MANOLI, Ion. Didactique du néologisme: Quels néologismes faut-il enseigner aux lycées et aux facultés où le français est la première langue étrangère (FLÉ). In: Intertext , 2018, nr. 3-4(47-48), pp. 199-230. ISSN 1857-3711.
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Numărul 3-4(47-48) / 2018 / ISSN 1857-3711 /ISSNe 2345-1750

Didactique du néologisme: Quels néologismes faut-il enseigner aux lycées et aux facultés où le français est la première langue étrangère (FLÉ)

Didactics of neologism: What neologisms must be taught in high-schools and faculties where French is the first foreign language (FLE)

CZU: 811.133.1’373.43’374

Pag. 199-230

Manoli Ion
Université Libre Internationale de Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 8 august 2018


What is a new word, a neologism, a word of the actuality? The novelty of a word depends on many factors, whose age and social background are important components. What is classic for one can be totally new to the other. A new word, by the way, always takes some time to assert itself. We know that each year a very large number of neologisms appear in the French language. Which of them should be updated in high schools, faculties where French is taught as a foreign language? Can we define the notion "the words of the year" more precisely? What is the difference between a neologism of a language and a neologism of speech (neologism for stylistic purposes)? These are questions that we will briefly try to answer in this article which has the purpose to be entirely didactic.

neologism, neology,

lexicography definition, normative dictionary, cultural dictionary, thesaurus.