Methods of lie algebras and orbits in the study of differential systems concerned with the problems of energy safety of the Republic of Moldova
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[620.9+621.311]:517.9(478 (1)
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Дифференциальные, интегральные и другие функциональные уравнения. Конечные разности. Вариационное исчисление. Функциональный анализ (243)
SM ISO690:2012
POPA, Mihail, BYCOVA, Elena V., STARUŞ, Elena, GHERŞTEGA, Natalia. Methods of lie algebras and orbits in the study of differential systems concerned with the problems of energy safety of the Republic of Moldova. In: Energetica Moldovei. Aspecte regionale de dezvoltare, Ed. Editia I, 2005, 21-24 septembrie 2005, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Institutul de Energetică al Academiei de Științe a Moldovei, 2005, Ediția I, pp. 157-161. ISBN 9975-62-145-7.
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Energetica Moldovei. Aspecte regionale de dezvoltare
Ediția I, 2005
Conferința "Energetica Moldovei"
Editia I, 2005, Chișinău, Moldova, 21-24 septembrie 2005

Methods of lie algebras and orbits in the study of differential systems concerned with the problems of energy safety of the Republic of Moldova

CZU: [620.9+621.311]:517.9(478

Pag. 157-161

Popa Mihail1, Bycova Elena V.2, Staruş Elena1, Gherştega Natalia3
1 Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science ASM,
2 Institute of Power Engineering of ASM,
3 Tiraspol State University
Disponibil în IBN: 31 iulie 2018


In the paper are presented the differential equations systems, describing the continuous effect of energy safety indicators changes on economy safety indicators changes. The first invariant GL(n,R)-integrals presenting explicit connections among mentioned indicators are found for some of these systems.

differential system, Integral, energy safety