Development and Trends of the Competitive Environment in the Market of Air Transport Services in the Republic of Moldova
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338.47:656.7(478) (2)
Производство продукции и услуг по отраслям народного хозяйства (1543)
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NICULĂIȚĂ, Dumitru. Development and Trends of the Competitive Environment in the Market of Air Transport Services in the Republic of Moldova. In: Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători, Ed. 15, 28-29 aprilie 2017, Chișinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Departamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEM, 2017, Ediția.15, Vol.1, pp. 166-169.
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Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători
Ediția.15, Vol.1, 2017
Simpozionul "Simpozion ştiinţific al tinerilor cercetători"
15, Chișinău, Moldova, 28-29 aprilie 2017

Development and Trends of the Competitive Environment in the Market of Air Transport Services in the Republic of Moldova

CZU: 338.47:656.7(478)

Pag. 166-169

Niculăiță Dumitru
Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 17 ianuarie 2018


During 15-20 years the air transport has become a more accessible way to travel. The policies of markets liberalization within the European Community have resulted to increasing competitiveness in the market of air transport services in the European Union. As a result of this competition, the land transport had to reconsider development strategies by modifying and improving services. Thus, the beneficiary of this competition, between the various means of transport, is still the ultimate consumer – the passenger. The competition is one of the major factors which contribute directly and effectively to improve the quality and reduce the prices.

civil aviation industry, airlines competition, competitive strategies,

air transport, trends