Metode matematice de prelucrare a datelor statistice obţinute în investigaţie
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37.02:51 (62)
Общие вопросы дидактики и методики воспитания и обучения (1255)
Математика (1693)
SM ISO690:2012
BRĂDULEAC, Iraida. Metode matematice de prelucrare a datelor statistice obţinute în investigaţie. In: Revista Didactica Pro…, revistă de teorie şi practică educaţională, 2011, nr. 1(65), pp. 13-18. ISSN 1810-6455.
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Dublin Core
Revista Didactica Pro…, revistă de teorie şi practică educaţională
Numărul 1(65) / 2011 / ISSN 1810-6455

Metode matematice de prelucrare a datelor statistice obţinute în investigaţie
CZU: 37.02:51

Pag. 13-18

Brăduleac Iraida
Universitatea de Stat din Tiraspol
Disponibil în IBN: 29 septembrie 2017


Purpose of the experiment pedagogical was to show the efficiency of using participatory methods during lessons to enhance students’ knowledge of mathematics, to verify the effectiveness of formative teaching methodologies applied in the experiment, to provide models for organizing activities with students to lead to the development of rational logical thinking, and develop capacities for investigation and interpretation of the flexibility and mobility in thought, of intellectual skills in order to achieve all targets, to find ways to organize educational assessment process, in conjunction with a view office sought.

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