Текст как территория смыслов. Переводческий аспект
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SM ISO690:2012
КРИВОТУРОВ, Юрий. Текст как территория смыслов. Переводческий аспект. In: Intertext , 2016, nr. 1-2(37-38), pp. 59-69. ISSN 1857-3711.
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Dublin Core
Numărul 1-2(37-38) / 2016 / ISSN 1857-3711 /ISSNe 2345-1750

Текст как территория смыслов. Переводческий аспект
CZU: 811.111.09

Pag. 59-69

Кривотуров Юрий
Международный Независимый Университет Молдовы
Disponibil în IBN: 6 octombrie 2016


The article presents some definitions of the terms “text, meaning, sense”. The dominant senses of different levels that are connected in a unique narration are considered on the bases of B. Brecht’s story “Der Mantel des Ketzers”. The division of the text as seen by the author is also analyzed. In the first part of the story – the beginning – the author of the article mentions the static relations that indicate the presence of the essence as such in the narration. The dynamic relations demonstrating the interrelations of their available main points are as well considered in the next three parts. The present article defines the particularities of the translation into Russian, it indicates in different fragments the degree of equivalence in translation that belongs to the domesticated type of the text transfer into another language.

dominant senses, division of the text, relations of the main points of the narration, equivalence of translation, domesticated type

DataCite XML Export

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<affiliation>Universitatea Liberă Internaţională din Moldova, Moldova, Republica</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='ru'>Текст как территория смыслов. Переводческий аспект</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>The article presents some definitions of the terms “text, meaning, sense”. The dominant senses of different levels that are connected in a unique narration are considered on the bases of B. Brecht’s story “Der Mantel des Ketzers”. The division of the text as seen by the author is also analyzed. In the first part of the story – the beginning – the author of the article mentions the static relations that indicate the presence of the essence as such in the narration. The dynamic relations demonstrating the interrelations of their available main points are as well considered in the next three parts. The present article defines the particularities of the translation into Russian, it indicates in different fragments the degree of equivalence in translation that belongs to the domesticated type of the text transfer into another language.</description>