Universics: a Theory of Universes of Discourse for Metamathematics and Foundations
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SM ISO690:2012
DRUGUS, Ioachim. Universics: a Theory of Universes of Discourse for Metamathematics and Foundations. In: Computer Science Journal of Moldova, 2016, nr. 1(70), pp. 3-26. ISSN 1561-4042.
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Computer Science Journal of Moldova
Numărul 1(70) / 2016 / ISSN 1561-4042 /ISSNe 2587-4330

Universics: a Theory of Universes of Discourse for Metamathematics and Foundations
CZU: 510.21

Pag. 3-26

Drugus Ioachim
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science ASM
Disponibil în IBN: 28 aprilie 2016


A new type of structures called “universes” is introduced to subsume the “von Neumann universe”, “Grothendieck universes” and “universes of discourse” of various theories. Theories are also treated as universes, “universes of ideas”, where “idea” is a common term for assertions and terms. A dualism between induction and deduction and their treatment on a common basis is provided. The described approach referenced as “universics” is expected to be useful for metamathematical analysis and to serve as a foundation for mathematics. As a motivation for this research served the Harvey Friedman’s desideratum to develop a foundational theory based on “induction construction”, possibly comprising set theory. This desideratum emerged due to “foundational incompleteness” of set theory. The main results of this paper are an explication of the notion “foundational completeness”, and a generalization of well-founded-ness

induction, deduction, reduction, universe

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