Государственное управление в контексте отношений власть – оппозиция в условиях европейской интеграции
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SM ISO690:2012
СТАН, Валентина. Государственное управление в контексте отношений власть – оппозиция в условиях европейской интеграции. In: Vector European, 2014, nr. 1, pp. 140-147. ISSN 2345-1106.
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Vector European
Numărul 1 / 2014 / ISSN 2345-1106 /ISSNe 2587-358X

Государственное управление в контексте отношений власть – оппозиция в условиях европейской интеграции
CZU: [323.22/28+339.92](478):061.1EU

Pag. 140-147

Стан Валентина
Европейский Университет Молдовы
Disponibil în IBN: 16 februarie 2016


In this article we wish to consider some aspects of a relation’s problem between authority and opposition in Russian Federation and the Republic of Moldova. The problem of correlation betveen authority and opposition has many aspects. The problem’s consideration through the prism of conflicts is one of it. In this case its concerns the issue of political administration of authority and opposion in a context of contemporary transformations of Russsian and Moldovian society. Many problems which lead to unfavourable consequences in conditions of crisis of modern inustrial civilization. It is economical problem, demografical which put in danger the hole planet. In these conditions today are Russian and Moldova. These states transit from sovie model of society to liberal-damocratic and it also means the transition from one system of administration to another. That is why the administration’s tasks of society process are extended.Russian and Moldavian authorities have to resolve the problem of formation of liberal-democratic society, which can ensure stability intact and also the transforation to postindustrial information society. It is known that authority is not homogeneous in in pluralistic democratic society and is functions beside the opposition which can enter the administrative structures. The political forces which urge and can participate in administration belong to opposition. Political administration is considirated as the instrument of policy elaboration and realization; also political administration means harmonisation, agreement and interests accomplishment of all social communities, social communities, social individuals, unions, citizens of prezent states.

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