Acceleration of anode dissolution of tungsten and its alloys in neutral solutions of salts
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PARSHUTIN, Vladimir, PARAMONOV, Anatolii, KOVALI, Alexandr, CHERNYSHEVA, Natalia, SHOLTOYAN, Nicolai, SOCOLOVA, Ludmila, SOCOLOV, Vasile, PROŞCHINA, N.. Acceleration of anode dissolution of tungsten and its alloys in neutral solutions of salts. In: Noosfera. Revista ştiinţifică de educaţie, spiritualitate şi cultură ecologică, 2015, nr. 14, pp. 76-78. ISSN 1857-3517.
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Noosfera. Revista ştiinţifică de educaţie, spiritualitate şi cultură ecologică
Numărul 14 / 2015 / ISSN 1857-3517

Acceleration of anode dissolution of tungsten and its alloys in neutral solutions of salts
CZU: 621.9.047

Pag. 76-78

Parshutin Vladimir1, Paramonov Anatolii1, Kovali Alexandr1, Chernysheva Natalia1, Sholtoyan Nicolai1, Socolova Ludmila2, Socolov Vasile2, Proşchina N.3
1 Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova,
2 Free International University of Moldova,
3 Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 27 octombrie 2015


Influence of various concentration of additives of bisdimethylglioximato- dithiocarbamidecobalt (III) nitrate and hidroximethilsulfinate sodium on process of anode dissolution W, WC and suggestions solid alloys WC-Co in solutions NaCl and NaNO3 is studied. Various influence of additives (as combined and separate) on process dissolution metals is shown..

Изучено влияние различных концентраций добавок бисдиметилглиоксиматодитиокарбамид- кобальт (III) нитрат и гидроксиметилсульфинат на процесс анодного растворения вольфрама, кобальт вольфрама и предложенных твердых сплавов WC-Co в растворах NaCl и NaNO3. Показано различное влияние добавок (как комбинированно, так и отдельно) на процесс растворения металлов

вольфрамовые сплавы, анодное растворение, пассивационные пленки.