Формирование и развитие организационной культуры предприятия
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005.73:658.1(477) (1)
Организационное управление (147)
Типы предприятий. Финансы (325)
SM ISO690:2012
ЛАВРУК, Оксана. Формирование и развитие организационной культуры предприятия. In: Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii de Stat ”Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din Cahul, Seria ”Științe economice”, 2015, nr. 1(13), pp. 110-120. ISSN 1875-2723.
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Dublin Core
Buletinul ştiinţific al Universităţii de Stat ”Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” din Cahul, Seria ”Științe economice”
Numărul 1(13) / 2015 / ISSN 1875-2723

Формирование и развитие организационной культуры предприятия
CZU: 005.73:658.1(477)

Pag. 110-120

Лаврук Оксана
Подольский государственный аграрно-технический университет
Disponibil în IBN: 2 octombrie 2015


Determined that organizational culture is a complex and dynamic social phenomenon, determining organizational development consultation in general. Organizational culture should be understood multilevel system, which is based on distinctive values and principles of organizational behavior, unique mental models and paradigms which aim to promote the socio-labour relations advice. The formation of the organizational culture of a company is the process of establishing a certain set of values, norms, rules, organizational behavior, as well as images and external attributes of organizational culture that impact on the regulation of the system of social and labor relations consultation, implementation and consolidation, characterized by complexity and completeness of action. It is established that the formation and development of organizational culture of an enterprise is influenced by factors external and internal environment.

Оrganizational culture, factors.,

formation, development

DataCite XML Export

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'>Determined that organizational culture is a complex and dynamic social phenomenon, determining organizational development consultation in general. Organizational culture should be understood multilevel system, which is based on distinctive values and principles of organizational behavior, unique mental models and paradigms which aim to promote the socio-labour relations advice. The formation of the organizational culture of a company is the process of establishing a certain set of values, norms, rules, organizational behavior, as well as images and external attributes of organizational culture that impact on the regulation of the system of social and labor relations consultation, implementation and consolidation, characterized by complexity and completeness of action. It is established that the formation and development of organizational culture of an enterprise is influenced by factors external and internal environment.</description>