Eminescu vs drama Basarabiei
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821.135.1-1.09 (160)
Литература на балканских романских языках (2138)
SM ISO690:2012
MISCHEVCA, Vladimir. Eminescu vs drama Basarabiei. In: Limba Română , 2015, nr. 1-2(229), pp. 219-233. ISSN 0235-9111.
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Dublin Core
Limba Română
Numărul 1-2(229) / 2015 / ISSN 0235-9111

Eminescu vs drama Basarabiei
CZU: 821.135.1-1.09

Pag. 219-233

Mischevca Vladimir
Institutul de Istorie al AŞM
Disponibil în IBN: 12 mai 2015


Eminescu and Basarabia. Great Eminescu was not only a brilliant publicist in addressing political history but also a veritable history. Not once publicists, critics and literary historians have approached the subject „Eminescu and Bessarabia”, which remains current. Eminescu - poet and historian - has shown that no one else of his generation, the real romanism and compassion for Moldavian drama in 1812, writing a number of studies and historical articles „essarabia”. Note Eminescu’s visionary intuition, which, by radiography of the situation of Russia, highlighted the Russian expansionism.

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<dc:description xml:lang='en'>Eminescu and Basarabia. Great Eminescu was not only a brilliant publicist in addressing political history but also a veritable history. Not once publicists, critics and literary historians have approached the subject „Eminescu and Bessarabia”, which remains current. Eminescu - poet and historian - has shown that no one else of his generation, the real romanism and compassion for Moldavian drama in 1812, writing a number of studies and historical articles „essarabia”. Note Eminescu’s visionary intuition, which, by radiography of the situation of Russia, highlighted the Russian expansionism.</dc:description>
<dc:source>Limba Română  229 (1-2) 219-233</dc:source>
<dc:title>Eminescu vs drama Basarabiei</dc:title>