A semi-isometric isomorphism on a ring of matrices
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SM ISO690:2012
ALESCHENKO, S. A semi-isometric isomorphism on a ring of matrices. In: Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, 2014, nr. 2(75), pp. 74-84. ISSN 1024-7696.
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Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica
Numărul 2(75) / 2014 / ISSN 1024-7696 /ISSNe 2587-4322

A semi-isometric isomorphism on a ring of matrices
CZU: 517.9+519.677

Pag. 74-84

Aleschenko S
Tiraspol State University
Disponibil în IBN: 24 octombrie 2014


Let ( R, ξ ) be a pseudonormed ring and R n be a ring of matrices over the ring R . We prove that if 1 ≤ γ, σ ≤ ∞ and 1 γ 1 σ ≥ 1, then the function η ξ,γ,σ is a pseudonorm on the ring R n . Let now φ : ( R, ξ ) → ( ̄ R, ξ ) be a semi-isometric isomorphism of pseudonormed rings. We prove that Φ : ( R n , η ξ,γ,σ ) → ( ̄ R n , η ̄ ξ,γ,σ ) is a semi-isometric isomorphism too for all 1 ≤ γ, σ ≤∞ such that 1 γ 1 σ ≥ 1.

Pseudonormed rings, quotient rings, ring of matrices, isometric homomorphism, semi-isometric isomorphism, canonical homomorphism

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<dc:creator>Alescenco, S.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'>Let ( R, ξ ) be a pseudonormed ring and R n be a ring of matrices over the ring R . We prove that if 1 ≤ γ, σ ≤ ∞ and 1 γ   1 σ ≥ 1, then the function η ξ,γ,σ is a pseudonorm on the ring R n . Let now φ : ( R, ξ ) → ( ̄ R, ξ ) be a semi-isometric isomorphism of pseudonormed rings. We prove that Φ : ( R n , η ξ,γ,σ ) → ( ̄ R n , η ̄ ξ,γ,σ ) is a semi-isometric isomorphism too for all 1 ≤ γ, σ ≤∞ such that 1 γ   1 σ ≥ 1.  </dc:description>
<dc:source>Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 75 (2) 74-84</dc:source>
<dc:subject>Pseudonormed rings</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>quotient rings</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>ring of matrices</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>isometric homomorphism</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>semi-isometric isomorphism</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>canonical homomorphism</dc:subject>
<dc:title>A semi-isometric isomorphism on a ring of matrices</dc:title>