Romania şi Constituţia Europeana
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SM ISO690:2012
OLEANU, Radu. Romania şi Constituţia Europeana. In: Studii Juridice Universitare, 2010, nr. 1-2, pp. 142-144. ISSN 1857-4122.
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Studii Juridice Universitare
Numărul 1-2 / 2010 / ISSN 1857-4122

Romania şi Constituţia Europeana

Pag. 142-144

Oleanu Radu
Ministerul Justiţiei al Republicii Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 11 octombrie 2013


Romania’s position of principle regarding the European Constitution was defined, very clearly, by the first Prime Minister Adrian Năstase, revealing that the future European constitution will have to define the nature of the Union, its Objectives and missions, its institutions and prerogatives, and, last but not at least, the citizens’ rights, to specify the exclusive responsabilities of the union and those which it will have to exercise together with the member state. Romania declared for a presidency of the European Council based on representativeness, legitimacy, transparence and efficiency. Also the Romanian delegation declared for the legislative function from the executive one, and also for setting up a Legislative Council functioning by parlamientary procedures, with a number of standing members assisted by scope ministers of the member states or their representatives, depending on the object of the legislating act. The european constitutional law becomes, in this perspective, an essential useful complement of the national constitutional law, recording its transforming act and conffering it a new legitimacy, based on the great values and principles sanctioned by a long tradition with the new imperatives of the European unity.

Delegaţia română s-a pronunţat pentru adoptarea unei Constituţii prin folosirea instrumentului juridic al unui tratat constituţional european. În viziunea ţării noastre, un asemenea tratat trebuia să includă în mod necesar, conferind forţa juridică, Carta Europeană a drepturilor fundamentale. Delegaţia română a relevat totodata că îşi manifestă acordul cu luarea deciziilor cu majoritate calificată, cu condiţia ca această cerinţă să fie expres prevăzută.

European constitution,

European Commission, Legislative Council