The determination of legal statute of participants in Dniester military conflict
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SM ISO690:2012
CAUIA, Alexandru. The determination of legal statute of participants in Dniester military conflict . In: Studii Juridice Universitare, 2011, nr. 1-2, pp. 48-55. ISSN 1857-4122.
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Studii Juridice Universitare
Numărul 1-2 / 2011 / ISSN 1857-4122

The determination of legal statute of participants in Dniester military conflict

Pag. 48-55

Cauia Alexandru
Free International University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 13 decembrie 2013


After the disappearance of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics from the world politic map at the end of year 1991 the evolution of events at the world scale was no more treated on the evidence of the bipolar world concept, the fact that had an influence as well over the structure and characteristics of military conflicts that took place due to the collapse of USSR. The 1992 Dniester military conflict constitutes a very difficult period in the process of formation of Republic of Moldova as a state. The undeniable courage and bravery of the citizens of a young state who took part in the protection of its independence and sovereignty have to be appreciated deservedly. In the article in case an attempt is made to find solution to this problem, using as a due argument basis the facts and their qualification in accordance with laws and usages of war.

După dispariţia de pe harta politică a lumii a Uniunii Republicilor Sovietice Socialiste la sfârşitul anului 1991, evoluţia evenimentelor de pe mapamond nu mai este tratată prin prisma conceptului de lume bipolară, fapt ce s‑a reflectat şi asupra structurii şi caracteristicilor conflictelor armate care au izbucnit după colapsul URSS. Conflictul armat de pe Nistru din anul 1992 constituie o perioadă dificilă a procesului de edificare a statului Republica Moldova. Curajul şi implicarea cetăţenilor Republicii Moldova în procesul de garantare a independenţei şi suveranităţii merită un profund respect. Prezentul articol pretinde a da o calificare juridică a statutului participanţilor în cadrul acestui conflict prin prisma normelor şi cutumelor de ducere a războiului.

military conflict, war, legal status