Impactul deficitului hidric asupra variabilității polenului la descendenții de tomate reinfectați cu virusuri
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635.64:632.38:575.16 (4)
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SM ISO690:2012
ANTOCI, Liudmila, SALTANOVICI, Tatiana, BULDUMAC, Ana. Impactul deficitului hidric asupra variabilității polenului la descendenții de tomate reinfectați cu virusuri. In: Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective, Ed. 8, 23-24 mai 2024, Bălți. Balti, Republic of Moldova: Casa Editorial-Poligrafică „Bons Offices”, 2024, Ediția 8, pp. 15-20.
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Dublin Core
Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective
Ediția 8, 2024
Conferința "Ştiinţa în Nordul Republicii Moldova: realizări, probleme, perspective"
8, Bălți, Moldova, 23-24 mai 2024

Impactul deficitului hidric asupra variabilității polenului la descendenții de tomate reinfectați cu virusuri

CZU: 635.64:632.38:575.16

Pag. 15-20

Antoci Liudmila, Saltanovici Tatiana, Buldumac Ana
Institutul de Genetică, Fiziologie și Protecție a Plantelor, USM
Disponibil în IBN: 18 iunie 2024


The paper presents the results of studies of the effect of water stress on thevariability of the male gametophyte of tomato progeny obtained from plants infected with viruses. . As a result of the combined action of viruses and water deficiency, variability in pollen indicators has been established which is significantly controlled by genotype and stress factors. At the haploid level, the analyzed genotypes showed a high degree of resistance; the descendents of VMT2/VAT2 Venets, M. Grateully, Rufina, Flacara and the spontaneous form S.pimpinellifolium were distinguished with high reproductive potential. These genotypes can be recommended for inclusion in the breeding process

of the effect, resistense, male gametophyte, haploid level, breeding process

Cerif XML Export

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<cfVol>Ediția 8</cfVol>
<cfTitle cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>Impactul deficitului hidric asupra variabilității polenului la descendenții de tomate reinfectați cu virusuri</cfTitle>
<cfKeyw cfLangCode='RO' cfTrans='o'>of the effect; resistense; male gametophyte; haploid level; breeding process</cfKeyw>
<cfAbstr cfLangCode='EN' cfTrans='o'><p>The paper presents the results of studies of the effect of water stress on thevariability of the male gametophyte of tomato progeny obtained from plants infected with viruses. . As a result of the combined action of viruses and water deficiency, variability in pollen indicators has been established which is significantly controlled by genotype and stress factors. At the haploid level, the analyzed genotypes showed a high degree of resistance; the descendents of VMT2/VAT2 Venets, M. Grateully, Rufina, Flacara and the spontaneous form S.pimpinellifolium were distinguished with high reproductive potential. These genotypes can be recommended for inclusion in the breeding process</p></cfAbstr>