Dimensiunea reorientărilor filosofice din societate în pandemie
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similare conform CZU
1:316.455 (2)
Социальные процессы. Социальная динамика (590)
SM ISO690:2012
PASCARU, Ana. Dimensiunea reorientărilor filosofice din societate în pandemie. In: Filosofia și perspectiva umană:: materialele Conferinţei Ştiinţifice consacrată Zilei Mondiale a Filosofiei, 18 noiembrie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău: Institutul de Istorie, 2021, pp. 6-30. ISBN 978-9975-3334-2-9.
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Dublin Core
Filosofia și perspectiva umană: 2021
Conferința "Filosofia și perspectiva umană: materialele Conferinței Științifice consacrate Zilei Mondiale a Filosofiei"
Chişinău, Moldova, 18 noiembrie 2021

Dimensiunea reorientărilor filosofice din societate în pandemie

Dimension of the philosophical reorients in pandemic society

CZU: 1:316.455

Pag. 6-30

Pascaru Ana
Institutul de Istorie
Disponibil în IBN: 14 mai 2024


The inquire for the proposed theme is part of the continuity of research through philosophy on the problems facing society. Issues that are constantly the subject of the study of philosophy, the areas to which they promote it. Currently this is supported by the renewed that has gone through not only philosophy, but all areas of activity more or less consciously. Awareness that facilitates not only knowledge of the nature of the problems exacerbated by the state of the pandemic, but also the need to rethink systemic landmarks, synergies that break and societal boundaries and integrate contrary to the geography of the human/environmental habitat. It also becomes an emergency and a return to the instrumentation of philosophy in demonstrating the level of awareness, but also of preparing social actors to understand it, thanks to the openings of new horizons in the Information Age. Renewals that have identified that the problems that are continually becoming more acute in society are the refraction of events in the processes triggered and the need to treat them as a whole. The whole that imposes a paradigm shift against challenges, especially in an inter and multidisciplinary one that helps to understand the complex approach to actions that continually renew and to abandon the segmentarism of yesteryear.

philosophy, dimension, renew, problem, event, process. society, pandemic, environment