Comunicarea prin limbaj mimico-gestual – mediul de formare a elevilor cu dizabilități auditive
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376.353:81`221.22 (1)
Воспитание, образование и обучение особых групп лиц. Специальные школы (658)
Языкознание и языки. Лингвистика (5177)
SM ISO690:2012
ICHIM, Radu Gabriel. Comunicarea prin limbaj mimico-gestual – mediul de formare a elevilor cu dizabilități auditive. In: Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii, 7 decembrie 2023, Bălți. Bălți, Republica Moldova: Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo" din Bălţi, 2024, Ediția 7, pp. 140-147.
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Dublin Core
Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii
Ediția 7, 2024
Conferința "Educaţia incluzivă: dimensiuni, provocări, soluţii"
Bălți, Moldova, 7 decembrie 2023

Comunicarea prin limbaj mimico-gestual – mediul de formare a elevilor cu dizabilități auditive

CZU: 376.353:81`221.22

Pag. 140-147

Ichim Radu Gabriel
Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă“ din Chişinău
Disponibil în IBN: 29 aprilie 2024


Students with hearing disabilities need a safe and inclusive environment for full personality development and effective communication. The safe educational environment for training represents for anyone - teaching staff or student with hearing disabilities - a very intense space, with a huge overlap of interactions and challenges. School is not and will not remain a space of academic knowledge, but also one of practical social experiences where through communication students discover, reflect and develop interpersonal relationships. Communication is the essential condition for a cognitive development, and even for a physical development of the student and an environment for his training, it is a primordial necessity for coexistence in society. Growing up, the child advances in communication skills, the contexts becoming more and more complex and diverse. By developing communication skills, students acquire a complex symbolic system that they will develop and refine throughout their lives. For students with severe hearing disabilities, the presence of a language that can offer the possibility of interactions with those around them is important for the development of communication.

communication, competence, communication competence, deaf children, sign language