GIS methodology for estimation of spatial distribution of precipitation by combining radar and rain gauge data. case study: Valea Rea river basin
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SM ISO690:2012
KOCSIS, Istvan, STRAPAZAN, Carina. GIS methodology for estimation of spatial distribution of precipitation by combining radar and rain gauge data. case study: Valea Rea river basin. In: Sisteme Informaționale Geografice, Ed. 24, 5-6 octombrie 2018, Iași. Iași : GIS and Remote Sensing, 2018, Ediția 24, p. 28.
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Sisteme Informaționale Geografice
Ediția 24, 2018
Simpozionul "Sisteme Informaționale Geografice"
24, Iași, Romania, 5-6 octombrie 2018

GIS methodology for estimation of spatial distribution of precipitation by combining radar and rain gauge data. case study: Valea Rea river basin

Pag. 28-28

Kocsis Istvan, Strapazan Carina
Babeș-Bolyai University
Disponibil în IBN: 25 aprilie 2024


Classical precipitation gauges make up a relatively easy-to-maintain network, being able to provide accurate data relating to rainfall amount which falls over the land surface at a given location. However, the simple interpolation between rain gauges is not always the best option, especially when a study has to be very precise and so, requires an accurate estimate of the rainfall spatial variability. Such an example is the often needed distributed hydrological modelling for discharge calculation in small flash flood prone catchments where high rainfall intensity events tend to occur. This problem is generally solved by meteorological radars which provide a very detailed representation of the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation over large areas. The main disadvantage of the meteorological radar usage is that the rainfall is estimated by fixed empirical relationships, and this fact can lead to multiple random errors. It is therefore obvious, that the best way for estimating the rainfall distribution over a desired area, is to combine both radar data and precipitation amounts obtained from measurements. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools provide the best platform for this matter. Various studies from scientific literature analyzing or developing different techniques to carry out this task through GIS, are available. This study aimes to present a methodology which makes use of the widelyknown and reliable Kriging interpolation, according to literature, for extracting and analyzing the rainfall data. The Valea Rea river basin was selected, because is a small-sized catchment where the impact of torrential rainfalls is very high. One main purpose of this methodology is to offer results, which are often required by distributed hydrological models as input data. This paper also aimes to validate this technique, applied to a summer torrential rainfall which caused the flash flood with the maximum intensity over the last decade.

DataCite XML Export

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<creatorName>Kocsis, I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Strapazan, C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, România</affiliation>
<title xml:lang='en'>GIS methodology for estimation of spatial distribution of precipitation by combining radar and rain gauge data. case study: Valea Rea river basin</title>
<publisher>Instrumentul Bibliometric National</publisher>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Classical precipitation gauges make up a relatively easy-to-maintain network, being able to provide accurate data relating to rainfall amount which falls over the land surface at a given location. However, the simple interpolation between rain gauges is not always the best option, especially when a study has to be very precise and so, requires an accurate estimate of the rainfall spatial variability. Such an example is the often needed distributed hydrological modelling for discharge calculation in small flash flood prone catchments where high rainfall intensity events tend to occur. This problem is generally solved by meteorological radars which provide a very detailed representation of the spatial and temporal distribution of precipitation over large areas. The main disadvantage of the meteorological radar usage is that the rainfall is estimated by fixed empirical relationships, and this fact can lead to multiple random errors. It is therefore obvious, that the best way for estimating the rainfall distribution over a desired area, is to combine both radar data and precipitation amounts obtained from measurements. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools provide the best platform for this matter. Various studies from scientific literature analyzing or developing different techniques to carry out this task through GIS, are available. This study aimes to present a methodology which makes use of the widelyknown and reliable Kriging interpolation, according to literature, for extracting and analyzing the rainfall data. The Valea Rea river basin was selected, because is a small-sized catchment where the impact of torrential rainfalls is very high. One main purpose of this methodology is to offer results, which are often required by distributed hydrological models as input data. This paper also aimes to validate this technique, applied to a summer torrential rainfall which caused the flash flood with the maximum intensity over the last decade.</p></description>