Women and the world of art – prejudice, obstacles and injustices
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7.011(498)-055.2 (1)
Общая теория искусства. Философия искусства. Эстетика. Проблемы эстетического вкуса. Принципы композиции, пропорции, зрительных эффектов (109)
SM ISO690:2012
RUSU, Marinela. Femeile și lumea artei – prejudecăți, obstacole și nedreptăți. In: Educația artistică în contemporaneitate: realizări, provocări, perspective, Ed. Ediția 2, 1 noiembrie 2023, Bălți. Bălți: 2023, Ediția 2, pp. 69-80.
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Dublin Core
Educația artistică în contemporaneitate: realizări, provocări, perspective
Ediția 2, 2023
Conferința "Educația artistică în contemporaneitate: realizări, provocări, perspective"
Ediția 2, Bălți, Moldova, 1 noiembrie 2023

Women and the world of art – prejudice, obstacles and injustices

Femeile și lumea artei – prejudecăți, obstacole și nedreptăți

CZU: 7.011(498)-055.2

Pag. 69-80

Rusu Marinela
Institutul de Cercetari Economice şi Sociale “Gheorghe Zane” , Iaşi
Disponibil în IBN: 7 decembrie 2023


Throughout history (especially since the Renaissance) women were not strangers to the field of art, be it painting, writing, theater or music. However, women of past eras worked in a profession where they had no role in setting the rules. Their similarity lies not in the fact that they are women, but in the fact that they have had to work - and still work to a certain extent – in a world whose principles and standards have been set by men. However seriously women were considered as artists, they were never seen by others as artists per se, but were rather perceived as women artists, further manifesting the predestined role of women in society, by their specific potential and nature. The chronicle of the art world's hostility to women, with its inevitable injustice, is indisputable, but it is only one side of women's experience. Reconciling being a woman and being an artist is as difficult as learning to use both hands to play the piano. Even so, this was not something impossible and many times, it was achieved. It is possible that women artists simply faced the prejudices of the art establishment and continued their work regardless. They knew they didn't make the rules, but they sought to meet the requirements as best they could with their own abilities, and where they couldn't, they adapted. At worst, such situations led to shyness, insecurity, and compliance, but at best, they encouraged flexibility and ingenuity. Their determination to succeed, despite their difference from the male majority, is a characteristic element of these creative women. The present paper seeks to capture the hostility of the art world towards women and the fact that many women, despite this fact, have had undeniable achievements in the field of art. Even subjected to injustices, encountering obstacles and prejudices, women of historical eras explored the world of art and discovered how to train themselves, selected the field most likely for their success, established studios, sought patrons, found ways to make themselves known and they enjoyed the recognition of their talent. In short, despite a proven background of injustice and prejudice, they forged a destiny in art, not begging for acceptance but negotiating the system for their own purposes.

art, women, injustice, prejudice