Modelarea matematică și analiza structurală pentru materialele compozitelor flexibile ale sistemelor modulare flotante utilizate în marea salmastră
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140 1
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-04-27 08:17
Căutarea după subiecte
similare conform CZU
519.87:691.3 (1)
Исследование операций (170)
Строительные материалы и изделия (60)
SM ISO690:2012
JOMIR, Constantin, ENE, Alexandra. Modelarea matematică și analiza structurală pentru materialele compozitelor flexibile ale sistemelor modulare flotante utilizate în marea salmastră . In: Creativitate. Tehnologie. Marketing, Ed. IV, 31 martie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Editura “Tehnica-UTM”, 2023, IV, pp. 126-132. ISBN 978-9975-45-987-7.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Creativitate. Tehnologie. Marketing
IV, 2023
Conferința "Creativitate. Tehnologie. Marketing"
IV, Chişinău, Moldova, 31 martie 2023

Modelarea matematică și analiza structurală pentru materialele compozitelor flexibile ale sistemelor modulare flotante utilizate în marea salmastră

CZU: 519.87:691.3

Pag. 126-132

Jomir Constantin, Ene Alexandra
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Textile si Pielarie
Disponibil în IBN: 5 decembrie 2023


The Romanian coastline of the Black Sea is approximately 245 km long and does not have closed, sheltered areas. The recently expanded port systems and activities are polluting and do not provide conditions for the cultivation of living organisms. The organisms from this area (e.g. Mytilus galloprovincialis and Crassostrea gigas) are resistant to large variations in temperature, salinity, density and can be recommended or suitable for directed growth or in captivity. The paper presents the prediction of the phenomena and the functional characteristics of the composite structure used for the construction of the modular systems for the development of the biofilter material was carried out with the help of a specialized software that allows setting the calculation parameters, performing the actual calculations, processing, viewing and exporting the numerical data. The values obtained for simulation at 5Bf will be the basis for determining the type of raw material for the composite and the textile matrix (fabric). The specialists in the textile field will transform the Von Mises nodal values into tear resistance on the systems (warp and weft) and will transpose them into the programming schemes for the fabric structure (which give information about the pattern, thickness, yarn density in warp and weft etc.), but also for determining the type of covering of this fabric, i.e. the finishing technology: impregnation, lamination (on one side or on both sides).

solid, processing, Numerical simulation, CAD, FEM