Military-economic cycles in the context of sustainable development
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338.245 (4)
Экономическая политика. Управление и планирование в экономике (446)
SM ISO690:2012
PODLIESNA, Vasylyna. Military-economic cycles in the context of sustainable development. In: Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării, Ed. 17, 12-13 octombrie 2023, Chișinău. Chisinau, Moldova: Departamentul Editorial-Poligrafic al ASEM, 2023, Ediția 17, p. 9. DOI:
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Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării
Ediția 17, 2023
Conferința "Creşterea economică în condiţiile globalizării"
17, Chișinău, Moldova, 12-13 octombrie 2023

Military-economic cycles in the context of sustainable development

CZU: 338.245
JEL: E32, F44, H56, Q01

Pag. 9-9

Podliesna Vasylyna
Institute for Economics and Forecasting, National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Disponibil în IBN: 24 noiembrie 2023


The article reveals the essence of the concept of military-economic cycles: they should be understood as such a form of socioeconomic cyclicity, which, both in historical retrospective and in modern conditions of the formation of an informationnetwork society, is generated by the struggle for resources that provide social units or complex social organisms - the winners in the struggle for economic and military-political leadership - the opportunity to dominate in the long term and successfully develop for some time, while maintaining stability. The cyclical nature of wars is clearly seen in the deployment of such global cycles of capitalism as the Kondratieff cycles, long cycles of world politics, and cycles of hegemony. Innovative military technologies are able to accelerate the deployment and make the militaristic component of those phases of long-term socio-economic cycles characterized by the outbreak of wars and increased instability, in particular, the upward waves of Kondratieff cycles, the “macro-resolution” phases of long cycles of world politics, the periods of thirty years of world wars in deployment cycles of hegemony. Wars are a way to resolve geopolitical contradictions, but they have a destructive effect on the natural environment, human development processes, and institutional environment, which hinders the advancement of mankind toward sustainable development, therefore, in modern conditions, it is necessary to develop and put into practice a global institutional consensus that obliges participants in geopolitical competition to interact in accordance with the law of techno-humanitarian balance, which will provide peaceful forms of resolving the contradictions of world development.

military-economic cycles, cyclical nature of wars, Kondratieff cycles, long cycles of world politics, cycles of hegemony, sustainable development