Санитарно-ветеринарное обеспечение благополучия птицеводства
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2024-02-25 13:02
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similare conform CZU
614.9:636.09 (1)
Здоровье животных. Ветеринарная гигиена (8)
Ветеринарная наука (5)
SM ISO690:2012
МАНДЫГРА, Ю., ВОЛОВИК, Г., ДОЛЕЦКИЙ, С.. Санитарно-ветеринарное обеспечение благополучия птицеводства. In: Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective, 20-23 septembrie 2023, Maximovca. Maximovca: "Print-Caro" SRL, 2023, pp. 463-469. DOI: https://doi.org/10.61562/mgfa2023.61
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Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective 2023
Conferința "Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective"
Maximovca, Moldova, 20-23 septembrie 2023

Санитарно-ветеринарное обеспечение благополучия птицеводства

CZU: 614.9:636.09

Pag. 463-469

Мандыгра Ю.1, Воловик Г.2, Долецкий С.3
1 Институт рыбного хозяйства Национальной академии аграрных наук Украины,
2 Ровенский государственный гуманитарный университет,
3 Национальная академия аграрных наук Украины
Disponibil în IBN: 24 noiembrie 2023


Thе manuscript presents data of obtaining electrochemically active (ECA) solutions with given properties. During the electrochemical activation, water that accumula-tes near the anode is called anode water (anolyte). By adding 0.5-1.0% NaCl solution, hypo-chloride, hypochlorous acid, sodium chlorate and perchlorate, hydrogen peroxide are formed providing strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity. After using anolyte for disin-fection, it quickly dissociates into H2O and NaCl, so it does not require decontamination. Bacteria do not develop resistance to ECA solutions, even with prolonged use. The aim of the work was the approbation, in experiment and practice, of the ECA solutions usage for pre-incubation disinfection of eggs. Experimental contamination with bacterial test cultures (E. сoli and Salmonella) of eggs before incubation was carried out. Immersion for 2 min in the anolyte ensured an effective neutralization of bacteria. In addition, one of the poultry farms used paraform (formaldehyde compared to anolyte aerosol) for pre-hatching disinfection of eggs. Similar results were obtained. Con-clusions. Anolyte can be recommended for pre-hatching disinfection of eggshells.

electrochemically active (ECA) solutions, Anolyte, eggshell, disinfec-tion, environment, toxicity

Dublin Core Export

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<dc:creator>Mandîgra, I.N.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Volovik, G.P.</dc:creator>
<dc:creator>Dolețkii, S.P.</dc:creator>
<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>Thе manuscript presents data of obtaining electrochemically active (ECA) solutions with given properties. During the electrochemical activation, water that accumula-tes near the anode is called anode water (anolyte). By adding 0.5-1.0% NaCl solution, hypo-chloride, hypochlorous acid, sodium chlorate and perchlorate, hydrogen peroxide are formed providing strong antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity. After using anolyte for disin-fection, it quickly dissociates into H2O and NaCl, so it does not require decontamination. Bacteria do not develop resistance to ECA solutions, even with prolonged use. The aim of the work was the approbation, in experiment and practice, of the ECA solutions usage for pre-incubation disinfection of eggs. Experimental contamination with bacterial test cultures (E. сoli and Salmonella) of eggs before incubation was carried out. Immersion for 2 min in the anolyte ensured an effective neutralization of bacteria. In addition, one of the poultry farms used paraform (formaldehyde compared to anolyte aerosol) for pre-hatching disinfection of eggs. Similar results were obtained. Con-clusions. Anolyte can be recommended for pre-hatching disinfection of eggshells.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Gestionarea fondului genetic animalier – probleme, soluţii, perspective () 463-469</dc:source>
<dc:subject>electrochemically active (ECA) solutions</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Санитарно-ветеринарное обеспечение благополучия птицеводства</dc:title>