Psychomotor particularities of the pupils from primary forms with graphic disorders and without graphic disorders
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SM ISO690:2012
LUPULEAC, Victoria. Psychomotor particularities of the pupils from primary forms with graphic disorders and without graphic disorders. In: Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management , 2014, vol. 1, pp. 86-91. ISSN 2784-2495.
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Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati. Fascicle XV, Physical Education and Sport Management
Volumul 1 / 2014 / ISSN 2784-2495 /ISSNe 2784-2495

Psychomotor particularities of the pupils from primary forms with graphic disorders and without graphic disorders

Pag. 86-91

Lupuleac Victoria
State University of Physical Education and Sport
Disponibil în IBN: 20 noiembrie 2023


The actuality of the theme investigated in this study is determined by the argumentation of the influence of psychomotor development on the correction of graphic disorders. In accordance with the studied problem we supposed that it had been attested a lower level in the development of the psychomotricity of the pupils with graphic disorders. In order to argue this theory it was realized a comparative study of the pupils with graphic disorders and without graphic disorders.

psychomotricity, graphic disorder, smooth motricity, psychopedagogical model

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