Alternative education modalities: ontological aspects in the theory and practice of education
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Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-01-04 19:33
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37.013.73 (17)
Основы образования. Теоретические основы. Философские основы и др. (4076)
SM ISO690:2012
MAISTRU, Rodica. Alternative education modalities: ontological aspects in the theory and practice of education. In: Science and education: new approaches and perspectives: . Selective collection of abstracts, Ed. 25, 24-25 martie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: (CEP UPSC, 2023, Seria 25, pp. 35-35_1. ISBN 978-9975-46-788-9.
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Science and education: new approaches and perspectives
Seria 25, 2023
Conferința "Science and education: new approaches and perspectives"
25, Chişinău, Moldova, 24-25 martie 2023

Alternative education modalities: ontological aspects in the theory and practice of education

CZU: 37.013.73

Pag. 35-35_1

Maistru Rodica
"Ion Creangă" State Pedagogical University from Chisinau
Disponibil în IBN: 4 noiembrie 2023


The present paper elucidates the application of philosophical discourse on the analysis of different alternative models of education. The idea of the article is suggested by permanent searches with pedagogical interest, oriented in the determination of teleological-conceptual approaches, in the analysis of the intellectual and moral development of man, his integration in the social system. We come with conclusions about the actuality of enriching the educational process within an integral system based on the convergence between traditional and alternative education. This idea does not contradict the problem of dialogue - one of the most important, but at the same time innovative types of pedagogical communication, which the author analyzes in the article and qualifies as a way to achieve the self-improvement process. In this context, education must be perceived as something with factual meanings and values, which acquires a teleological significance by orienting us to another dimension of pedagogical science and philosophy - axiology.

traditional education systems, alternative education systems, dialogue