The role of therapeutic stories in managing negative emotions
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SM ISO690:2012
BORDEIANU, Cristina. The role of therapeutic stories in managing negative emotions. In: Science and education: new approaches and perspectives: . Selective collection of abstracts, Ed. 25, 24-25 martie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: (CEP UPSC, 2023, Seria 25, pp. 26-26_2. ISBN 978-9975-46-788-9.
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Science and education: new approaches and perspectives
Seria 25, 2023
Conferința "Science and education: new approaches and perspectives"
25, Chişinău, Moldova, 24-25 martie 2023

The role of therapeutic stories in managing negative emotions

CZU: 37.025

Pag. 26-26_2

Bordeianu Cristina
School Mihail Sadoveanu, Bacău
Disponibil în IBN: 3 noiembrie 2023


Story-telling is the easiest and most natural way to enter the world of children, the world of fantasy. Therapeutic stories make it easier to enter children’s souls. The therapeutic story is the narrative that presents the lives of fictional or non-fictional characters, the difficulties they face and the ways in which they overcome certain situations. Using therapeutic stories, children will not only be involved in analysing themselves, but will also take part in analysing the action, the situations experienced by the characters. The most important benefit in therapeutic stories is the child’s process of relating to the character in the text. Without this, the therapeutic story will not achieve its purpose. Stories provide valuable information about emotions and thoughts. This is done using animation, fiction, symbols. Symbols, or therapeutic metaphors (a figure of speech that presents the real problem in a different form) are the way stories are able to enter children’s souls and help them analyse their own thoughts and emotions. The character in the therapeutic story, the emotions they have, the problem they face, the strategies to solve it are rendered as symbols. Also, the symbolic, or metaphorical language used in the stories allows us to get in direct contact with the child’s emotional world. They help children to understand that they are not alone in experiencing certain emotions and that they are common to many children and teach them to recognise emotions, give them a name, understand how they are formed, how they can be expressed, what consequences they can have and how they can be managed.

therapeutic stories, emotions, emotion management

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