National strategy on education for the environment and climate change 2023-2030
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504.064:551.583(478)”2023/2030” (1)
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SM ISO690:2012
BUCUR, Mihaela-Corina. National strategy on education for the environment and climate change 2023-2030. In: Advanced materials to reduce the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and health", Ed. 1, 21 septembrie 2023, Chişinău. Chişinău: Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM, 2023, Ediția 1, p. 44. DOI:
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Advanced materials to reduce the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and health"
Ediția 1, 2023
Seminarul ""Advanced materials to reduce the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment and health""
1, Chişinău, Moldova, 21 septembrie 2023

National strategy on education for the environment and climate change 2023-2030

CZU: 504.064:551.583(478)”2023/2030”

Pag. 44-44

Bucur Mihaela-Corina123
1 University of Bioterra, Bucharest,
2 “Carol Davila” Post-Secondary Healthy School,
3 Romanian Society of Victimology
Disponibil în IBN: 24 septembrie 2023


The world is facing two major crises - climate change and environmental degradation which generate devastating effects on people's lives and well-being. Therefore, systemic solutions and multi-level action are needed: international cooperation, the involvement of all state institutions, but also the private, academic environment, and citizens. In this context, the education of young people plays a fundamental role in behavioral and mental adaptation, in the formation of transversal skills, necessary to cultivate sensitivity towards moral-civic values and respect for nature, its resources, and the natural, social and cultural environment. The adoption at government level of the "National Strategy on Education for the Environment and Climate Change 2023-2030", a programmatic document that will include eco-social skills among the key skills starting from the 2023-2024 school year, represents a moment of utmost importance, being a first for Romania to adopt this national strategy. The strategy is based on the Report of the Presidential Administration "Education on climate change and the environment in sustainable schools", a continuation of the "Educated Romania" Project, young people being both bearers of a message to their families and communities, as well as directly involved in actions to stop the degradation of the environment and to develop public policies for its protection. Students will acquire competencies, skills and attitudes: to develop systems thinking and understand “green” energy, responsible exploitation of natural resources, pollution, extractive industry, energy industry, social justice, food waste, natural disasters, etc.; to relate to environmental factors and living environments; to make decisions and start relevant actions, through behavior to protect and improve the quality of the environment and reduce the impact of negative factors; to protect, restore and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, flowing waters, lakes, seas and marine resources and halt the loss of biodiversity; understand environmental legislation and the roles of relevant actors in the area of environmental protection; to participate, in the future, in the development of public environmental policies and of new technologies for combating environmental degradation. The objectives assumed by our country until 2030 are: improving education, awareness and human and institutional capacity on adaptation, reducing the impact of factors affecting the environment; intensifying Romania's efforts to achieve the transition to a "green" economy, for the integration of measures to combat environmental degradation in vulnerable economic, social and environmental sectors, in accordance with EU policies. The implementation of the strategy and the action plan assumes that the legal and the strategic framework will evolve in accordance with the proposed objectives, taking into account the European and national legislative context in the field of environmental protection.