Un basarabean în sistemul universitar din România: George Munteanu (1924–2001)
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386 6
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-06-02 22:05
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378(498)(092)(091) (1)
Высшее образование. Университеты. Академическое обучение (2670)
SM ISO690:2012
TIMUŞ, Asea. Un basarabean în sistemul universitar din România: George Munteanu (1924–2001). In: Intelectualitatea română între ideologie, libertate academică şi naţionalism, Ed. 2, 14-16 octombrie 2021, Chişinău. Chişinău Republica Moldova: Editura „Lexon-Prim”, 2023, Ediţia a 2-a, pp. 185-206. ISBN 978-9975-163-90-3.
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Intelectualitatea română între ideologie, libertate academică şi naţionalism
Ediţia a 2-a, 2023
Conferința "Intelectualitatea română între ideologie, libertate academică şi naţionalism"
2, Chişinău, Moldova, 14-16 octombrie 2021

Un basarabean în sistemul universitar din România: George Munteanu (1924–2001)

CZU: 378(498)(092)(091)

Pag. 185-206

Timuş Asea
Disponibil în IBN: 15 iunie 2023


George Munteanu was born in Bravicea (14.IV.1924-8.XI.2001), but evolved professionally in Romania. He was advised by teachers to become a doctor, but he remained faithful to the Romanian language and literature. He studied in Bravicea 7 classes (1930-1937), in Chisinau in 2 schools: Moldovan (1940-1941) and boys’ normal (1941-1944), then refugee in Romania in March 1944. In Romania he studied at the Normal School in Câmpulung Muscel (1944-1945), in Cluj simultaneously in 2 schools: normal and for baccalaureate at the Theoretical High School (1945-1946). He studied at the Faculty of Philology in Cluj (1946-1950) and took the bachelor’s exam with a grade of 10. He spent his professional career in two cities: Cluj and Bucharest. From the third year he was employed as a librarian at the Library of the University of Cluj (1.V.1949); preparator at the Faculty of General Medicine (15.X.1949); editor-in-chief of the newspaper „Lupta Ardealului” (15.X.1949); assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy in Cluj (7.III.1951). Then he transferred to the Faculty of Romanian Language and Literature at the University of Bucharest, where he became a university professor and lecturer. He stood out in the history of Romanian literature with his scientific works: Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu (1963); Attitudes (1966); Under the sign of Aristarchus (1975); Introduction to the work of Ion Creangă (1976); The history of Romanian literature. The Age of Great Writers (1980); Eminescu and Eminescianism (1987); Eminescu and the antinomies of posternity (1998); Hyperion 1. The life of Eminescu (2002).

George Munteanu, literary critic, associate professor (docent), writer, eminescologist, Romania, honorary citizen” of Bravicea village