Cercetarea structurii sticlelor industriale prin metoda HF-secţionării
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2023-10-21 00:28
SM ISO690:2012
ŞARAGOV, Vasilii, RAIFURA, Svetlana. Cercetarea structurii sticlelor industriale prin metoda HF-secţionării. In: Perspectivele şi problemele integrării în Spaţiul European al Învățământului superior, Ed. 1, 5 iunie 2014, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Tipografia Centrografic, 2014, Vol.2, pp. 367-371. ISBN 978-9975-914-92-5.
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Dublin Core
Perspectivele şi problemele integrării în Spaţiul European al Învățământului superior
Vol.2, 2014
Conferința "Perspectivele şi problemele integrării în Spaţiul European al Învățământului superior"
1, Cahul, Moldova, 5 iunie 2014

Cercetarea structurii sticlelor industriale prin metoda HF-secţionării

Pag. 367-371

Şaragov Vasilii, Raifura Svetlana
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Disponibil în IBN: 25 mai 2023


The method of the section etching by HF solution is proposed to be used for the analysis of the surface layers of the industrial glassware (sheet glass, containers of colorless glass, bottles and flasks of green glass, laboratory and assorted glassware etc). There were revealed the factors which influence on dissolving rate of industrial glasses with HF solution. It was investigated stability of the rate of dissolution of industrial glass surface layers depending on the thickness of dissolve layer during one etching. The data for the dissolving rate of the bottles green glasses surface layers at the depth of not more than 10 µm are given here. The graphs of the dissolving rate of industrial glasses in dependence to the different duration of one etching are analyzed. The possibility of the revealing of the stratified structure in the industrial glasses with help of the method of the section etching by HF solution is discussed.