Competitivitatea regională- abordări metodologice şi perspective
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195 2
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2024-05-22 01:05
SM ISO690:2012
SUSLENCO, Alina. Competitivitatea regională- abordări metodologice şi perspective. In: Perspectivele şi problemele integrării în Spaţiul European al Învățământului superior, Ed. 1, 5 iunie 2014, Cahul. Cahul, Republica Moldova: Tipografia Centrografic, 2014, Vol.2, pp. 214-218. ISBN 978-9975-914-92-5.
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Dublin Core
Perspectivele şi problemele integrării în Spaţiul European al Învățământului superior
Vol.2, 2014
Conferința "Perspectivele şi problemele integrării în Spaţiul European al Învățământului superior"
1, Cahul, Moldova, 5 iunie 2014

Competitivitatea regională- abordări metodologice şi perspective

JEL: M12, N90, R11

Pag. 214-218

Suslenco Alina
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Disponibil în IBN: 24 mai 2023


In this paper were analyzed methodological, theoretical and practical implications on the development of regional competitiveness and increase the country's competitiveness by developing the human capital of firms in the North of the country. A sociological survey was conducted some business in the North of the country and were highlighted distinctive aspects of these enterprises. In terms of the research methodology was based on the following methods: analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis, abduction, induction, logical method, quantitative analysis. This research has contributed to the development of the concept of regional competitiveness and the delimitation of its aspects in Moldova.

regional competitiveness, region, Competition, competitiveness index, regional development