Study regarding the use of technical audio-visual resources in physical education class in comparison with other subjects from the learning programme of primary school cycle
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SM ISO690:2012
PARVU, Carmen, DOBRESCU, Tatiana. Study regarding the use of technical audio-visual resources in physical education class in comparison with other subjects from the learning programme of primary school cycle. In: Book of Abstracts: "Sports, education, culture - interdisciplinary approaches in scientific research", 26-27 mai 2017, Galaţi. Galați: 2017, Ediția 3, pp. 68-69. ISSN 2457-3094.
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Book of Abstracts
Ediția 3, 2017
Conferința "International Scientific Conference "
Galaţi, Moldova, 26-27 mai 2017

Study regarding the use of technical audio-visual resources in physical education class in comparison with other subjects from the learning programme of primary school cycle

Pag. 68-69

Parvu Carmen1, Dobrescu Tatiana2
1 "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati,
2 "Vasile Alecsandri" University of Bacau
Disponibil în IBN: 11 mai 2023


In this essay we expound a study carried for a period of three years, in which we used the inquiring method by survey-form for 120 professors who teach other subjects and 200 students from primary school. The surveys were differently conceived and adapted in order to provide us information regarding the familiarization of the teachers and of the students with the modern resources of teaching and learning. The purpose of the research was to start the implementation of the technical and audiovisual means already existing in schools during the physical education classes. These methods are already being used by English, Music, Arts and Computer Science teachers during their classes. During the research we have reached the conclusion that optimal conditions can be provided for the good development of the physical education course, as all the schools benefit from modern resources of learning: display units, computers, video-projectors, audio-video systems. The modern technical resources improve the quality of the learning process by increasing the degree of active involvement of the students, their interest in knowledge, the ease of solution finding and by default, the easiness with which they learn the motive actions.

technical resources, audio-visuals, physical education class, primary school

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<dc:creator>Pârvu, C.</dc:creator>
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<dc:description xml:lang='en'><p>In this essay we expound a study carried for a period of three years, in which we used the inquiring method by survey-form for 120 professors who teach other subjects and 200 students from primary school. The surveys were differently conceived and adapted in order to provide us&nbsp;information regarding the familiarization of the teachers and of the students with the modern resources of teaching and learning. The purpose of the research was to start the implementation of the technical and audiovisual means already existing in schools during the physical education classes. These methods are already being used by English, Music, Arts and Computer Science teachers during their classes. During the research we have reached the conclusion that optimal conditions can be provided for the good development of the physical education course, as all the schools benefit from modern resources of learning: display units, computers, video-projectors, audio-video systems. The modern technical resources improve the quality of the learning process by increasing the degree of active involvement of the students, their interest in knowledge, the ease of solution finding and by default, the easiness with which they learn the motive actions.</p></dc:description>
<dc:source>Book of Abstracts (Ediția 3) 68-69</dc:source>
<dc:subject>technical resources</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>physical education class</dc:subject>
<dc:subject>primary school</dc:subject>
<dc:title>Study regarding the use of technical audio-visual resources in physical education class in comparison with other subjects from the learning programme of primary school cycle</dc:title>