A visual GIS tool for assessing Smart City indicators in Romania
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SM ISO690:2012
BEJENARU, Ioana, ROŞU, Lucian, DINTER, Oliver-Valentin, IAŢU, Corneliu. A visual GIS tool for assessing Smart City indicators in Romania. In: Sisteme Informaționale Geografice: In memoriam Prof. Univ. Emerit. dr. Ioan DONISĂ, Ed. 29, 30 martie 2023, Iași. Iași : GIS and Remote Sensing, 2023, Ediția 29, p. 26.
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Sisteme Informaționale Geografice
Ediția 29, 2023
Simpozionul "Sisteme Informaționale Geografice"
29, Iași, Romania, 30 martie 2023

A visual GIS tool for assessing Smart City indicators in Romania

Pag. 26-26

Bejenaru Ioana, Roşu Lucian, Dinter Oliver-Valentin, Iaţu Corneliu
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi
Disponibil în IBN: 5 aprilie 2023


The smart city concept has become indispensable over time for urban areas to develop and create an environment that generates a high level of quality of life. It makes a major contribution to the action of forming resilient communities to possible conflicts that can disrupt the smooth running of things. Although no generally valid structure concretely establishes what a smart city means, several particular aspects of the concept have been identified, along with six dimensions that capture the aspects necessary for a city to be called smart: smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment, smart living. A smart initiative can simultaneously fulfill the directions of several dimensions; thus, an initiative often facilitates several needs, from several fields. Organizations or institutions generally make the different classifications to evaluate the degree of development and, at the same time to observe the strengths, but also the weaknesses of the different areas of development: urban development, sustainability, infrastructure, resilience etc. These classifications are relying on different ranking methods and criteria to obtain relevant results. These can influence certain decisions related to the implementation of projects or the attraction of possible investors. However, they can also be the result of marketing strategies initiated even by local administrations. The concept is most often interpreted and approached differently in the public environment compared to the academic one, and leads to its wrong implementation, which does not simultaneously meet the conditions of social involvement, resilience, and sustainability combined with digital elements. In general, the rankings are based on data containing the number of initiatives for each city and which category they belong to. The purpose of our study is to present smart city data in a new way, using other types of indicators compared to the usual ones, so that an overall picture is outlined that includes several localities and not just the big cities of Romania, which are often the only ones that stand out. We analyzed the available data from Citadini.ro website, which involves 65 indicators that are divided into two categories, subjective and objective indicators. They capture a different reality due to the attempt to eliminate the demographic dimension and to focus strictly on the elements that outline the smart city concept. With the help of GIS services, an interactive visualization of the dimensions of the smart city concept will be attempted based on the obtained indicators.

smart city, Geographical Information System, indices, development

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<creatorName>Bejenaru, I.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Roşu, L.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Dinter, O.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, România</affiliation>
<creatorName>Iaţu, C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi, România</affiliation>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The smart city concept has become indispensable over time for urban areas to develop and create an environment that generates a high level of quality of life. It makes a major contribution to the action of forming resilient communities to possible conflicts that can disrupt the smooth running of things. Although no generally valid structure concretely establishes what a smart city means, several particular aspects of the concept have been identified, along with six dimensions that capture the aspects necessary for a city to be called smart: smart economy, smart people, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment, smart living. A smart initiative can simultaneously fulfill the directions of several dimensions; thus, an initiative often facilitates several needs, from several fields. Organizations or institutions generally make the different classifications to evaluate the degree of development and, at the same time to observe the strengths, but also the weaknesses of the different areas of development: urban development, sustainability, infrastructure, resilience etc. These classifications are relying on different ranking methods and criteria to obtain relevant results. These can influence certain decisions related to the implementation of projects or the attraction of possible investors. However, they can also be the result of marketing strategies initiated even by local administrations. The concept is most often interpreted and approached differently in the public environment compared to the academic one, and leads to its wrong implementation, which does not simultaneously meet the conditions of social involvement, resilience, and sustainability combined with digital elements. In general, the rankings are based on data containing the number of initiatives for each city and which category they belong to. The purpose of our study is to present smart city data in a new way, using other types of indicators compared to the usual ones, so that an overall picture is outlined that includes several localities and not just the big cities of Romania, which are often the only ones that stand out. We analyzed the available data from Citadini.ro website, which involves 65 indicators that are divided into two categories, subjective and objective indicators. They capture a different reality due to the attempt to eliminate the demographic dimension and to focus strictly on the elements that outline the smart city concept. With the help of GIS services, an interactive visualization of the dimensions of the smart city concept will be attempted based on the obtained indicators.</p></description>