Students, books and the virtue of the profession
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SM ISO690:2012
COJOCARU, Ecaterina, POSTOLACHE, Ana-Maria, MOSCALCIUC (BRÎNZA), Alina. Students, books and the virtue of the profession. In: Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society: International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 30th anniversary of ULIM's foundation, Ed. 14th Edition, 20 octombrie 2022, Chişinău. Chişinău: 2022, Ediţia a 14-a, pp. 54-55.
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Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society
Ediţia a 14-a, 2022
Conferința "Libraries in the 21st century: gateway to a progressive and integrated society "
14th Edition, Chişinău, Moldova, 20 octombrie 2022

Students, books and the virtue of the profession

CZU: 027.7

Pag. 54-55

Cojocaru Ecaterina, Postolache Ana-Maria, Moscalciuc (Brînza) Alina
Free International University of Moldova
Disponibil în IBN: 26 ianuarie 2023


Sir John Lubbock said: "A library is an enchanted land, a palace of delights, a shelter where you can shelter from storms... Whoever has the golden key that opens the silent door of libraries will find in them encouragement and comfort, rest and happiness." The ULIM library is a modern library, where all students have access to information through modern and traditional information technologies corresponding to the fields of student training. We skillfully apply experience in using and promoting them in the process of daily activities. This made it possible to quickly adapt to the new realities, to the new forms and methods of activity. We urge students to discover their potential to develop, to be active, to invest their time, patience and energy to inform themselves, to know, to become true specialists in their chosen profession.

library, students, reading, modern information technologies

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