Imagologia literară a orașului Bălți
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299 8
Ultima descărcare din IBN:
2023-12-14 09:51
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similare conform CZU
82-94:908(478-21) (1)
Литература. Литературоведение (3609)
Краеведение (86)
SM ISO690:2012
VRABIE, Diana. Imagologia literară a orașului Bălți. In: Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine, Ed. 6, 27-28 septembrie 2022, Chişinău. Iași – Chișinău: 2022, Ediția 6, pp. 251-253. ISSN 2558 – 894X. DOI:
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Google Scholar

Dublin Core
Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine
Ediția 6, 2022
Conferința "Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicaţii în dezvoltarea societăţii durabile de mâine"
6, Chişinău, Moldova, 27-28 septembrie 2022

Imagologia literară a orașului Bălți

CZU: 82-94:908(478-21)

Pag. 251-253

Vrabie Diana
Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Disponibil în IBN: 25 ianuarie 2023


The article proposes an imagological approach to the city of Bălti from the interwar period. The evocations of the interwar scholars which offered edifying testimonies are analyzed, among which C.R. Munteanu, N. Dunăreanu, I. Simionescu, Ștefan Ciobanu, C. Filipescu. They capture the marks of the city, retaining the specificity of the relief, the ethnic mix, the architectural coloration, the religious cult. The authors perform a series of (self) imagological exercises, from which results the way of being of the people from Balți and especially the way in which they are reflected in the lenses of the visitors. The social, cultural, imagological aspects and transformations that Bălți underwent during the two interwar decades are captured.

Bălţi, topos, space, imagology, evocation, perception, subjectivity

DataCite XML Export

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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>The article proposes an imagological approach to the city of Bălti from the interwar period. The evocations of the interwar scholars which offered edifying testimonies are analyzed, among which C.R. Munteanu, N. Dunăreanu, I. Simionescu, Ștefan Ciobanu, C. Filipescu. They capture the marks of the city, retaining the specificity of the relief, the ethnic mix, the architectural coloration, the religious cult. The authors perform a series of (self) imagological exercises, from which results the way of being of the people from Balți and especially the way in which they are reflected in the lenses of the visitors. The social, cultural, imagological aspects and transformations that Bălți underwent during the two interwar decades are captured.</p></description>