Impactul unor jocuri de mișcare adaptate asupra nivelului dezvoltării psihomotrice a elevilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale din clasa a II-a
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SM ISO690:2012
CHIRAZI, Marin, CONSTANTIN, Iuliana Luminiţa. Impactul unor jocuri de mișcare adaptate asupra nivelului dezvoltării psihomotrice a elevilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale din clasa a II-a. In: Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate, Ed. Ediția a VII-a, 15-17 septembrie 2022, Chişinău. Chișinău, Republica Moldova: Editura USEFS, 2022, Ediția 7, pp. 47-54. ISBN 978-9975-68-460-6. DOI:
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Dublin Core
Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate
Ediția 7, 2022
Congresul "Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate"
Ediția a VII-a, Chişinău, Moldova, 15-17 septembrie 2022

Impactul unor jocuri de mișcare adaptate asupra nivelului dezvoltării psihomotrice a elevilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale din clasa a II-a


Pag. 47-54

Chirazi Marin, Constantin Iuliana Luminiţa
Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza", Iaşi
Disponibil în IBN: 22 decembrie 2022


Exercise games support the optimization of the training action, by increasing the children's interest in movement, creating situations that facilitate the consolidation of motor acts, ensuring success, preventing or eliminating failure, by training skills to overcome difficulties, by developing motor skills and responsibility[ 6]. In the literature, psychomotor skills were defined by Epuran, M. as "the expression of the maturation and integration of motor and mental functions at the level required by the good functional integration of the individual in the environment" [7], by Arcan, P., Ciumageanu , D. as "a complex function that integrates and combines motor and mental aspects, elements that will influence a person's behavior" [2]. The research methods used in the study were the following: bibliographic, experimental, statistical-mathematical documentation, tabular method and evaluation techniques: psychomotor tests. Results and discussions: The data obtained from the presented psychomotor tests show the level of psychomotor development of the subjects, data that were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics program. Conclusions: the students included in the experiment performed some adapted movement games during the physical education classes, improvements were obtained in all the tests included in the experiment, according to the data in Table 1.

psychomotor skills, second grade children, psychomotor tests, students with SEN

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<creatorName>Constantin, I.</creatorName>
<title xml:lang='ro'>Impactul unor jocuri de mișcare adaptate asupra nivelului dezvoltării psihomotrice a elevilor cu cerințe educaționale speciale din clasa a II-a</title>
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<description xml:lang='en' descriptionType='Abstract'><p>Exercise games support the optimization of the training action, by increasing the children&#39;s interest in movement, creating situations that facilitate the consolidation of motor acts, ensuring success, preventing or eliminating failure, by training skills to overcome difficulties, by developing motor skills and responsibility[ 6]. In the literature, psychomotor skills were defined by Epuran, M. as &quot;the expression of the maturation and integration of motor and mental functions at the level required by the good functional integration of the individual in the environment&quot; [7], by Arcan, P., Ciumageanu , D. as &quot;a complex function that integrates and combines motor and mental aspects, elements that will influence a person&#39;s behavior&quot; [2]. The research methods used in the study were the following: bibliographic, experimental, statistical-mathematical documentation, tabular method and evaluation techniques: psychomotor tests. Results and discussions: The data obtained from the presented psychomotor tests show the level of psychomotor development of the subjects, data that were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics program. Conclusions: the students included in the experiment performed some adapted movement games during the physical education classes, improvements were obtained in all the tests included in the experiment, according to the data in Table 1.</p></description>